The Society's seal and three photographs

4th Series, 1925-1972

Archaeologia Aeliana 4th Series, Vol. 33, 1955

Click here for a digitised copy of this volume, which is available on free, open access on the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) website.

Apologies, but the contents page for this volume is currently incomplete and a work in progress

Hunter Blair, C. H.: The armorials of Newcastle upon Tyne. 1-16

Craster, H. Edmund.: The contents of a Northumberland mansion.17-26

Honeyman, H. Lewis: Mitford Castle. 27-34

Fraser, C. M.: Gilly-corn and the Customary of the convent of Durham. 35-60

Scammell, G. V.: A note on the chronology of the priors, archdeacons and sheriffs of Durham during the episcopate of Hugh du Puiset. 61-65

Scammell, G. V.: Two charters of bishop Hugh du Puiset of Durham relating to Landieu in Weardale. 66-69

Halcrow, E. M.: The social position and influence of the priors of Durham as illustrated by their correspondence. 70-86

Gotch, C.: Robert Mylne and Tyne bridges. 87-98

Fyson, D. R.: Some northern misericords. 99-115

Bulmer, W.: Roman glass vessels in the Corstopitum museum. 116-133

Raimes, A. L.: Shortflatt Tower and its owners – Part II.134-141

Swinbank, B.: Pottery from levels of the second and third century, covering the Vallum at Benwell. 142-162

Lilburn, A. J.: The Pipe Rolls of Edward I – Part II.163-175

Mitchell, W. S.: Bookbinders of Northumberland and Durham. 176-201

Clay, R. Mary.: Some northern anchorites. 202-217

Richmond, I. A. and Gillam, J. Pearson: Some excavations at Corbridge, 1952-54. 218-252

Cowen, J. D.: I. A. Richmond: Roman Britain. 253-254

--------: Index.  259-268






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