The Society's seal and three photographs

Archives Catalogue


Our archives in the Woodhorn catalogue

Our archives are catalogued under eighteen main headings which reflect the diverse nature of the records;

1. Administrative records of the Society (SANT/ADM/1-21)
2. Bequests (SANT/BEQ/1-40)
3. Bookplates (SANT/BPS/1-7)
4. Records of the County History Committee (SANT/CHC/1-Beq5)
5. Deeds (SANT/DEE/1-8)
6. Drawings (SANT/DRA/1-4)
7. Records relating to general history (SANT/GEN/Arc-Wel)
8. Guild records (SANT/GUI/Dur-Ncl)
9. Maps (SANT/MAP/1-9 )
10. Newspapers and newspaper cuttings (SANT/NEW/1-3)
11. Records relating to genealogy, heraldry and pedigrees (SANT/PGH/ Gen/1-11,  
      SANT/PGH/Her/1-1-2, SANT/PGH/Ped/1-2)
12. Plans (SANT/PLA/1-7)
13. Photograph albums (SANT/PHO/Alb/1-31)
14. Glass slide negatives (SANT/PHO/Neg/1-8)
15. Loose photographs (SANT/PHO/Pri/1-10)
16. Glass slides (SANT/PHO/Sli/1-40)
17. Printed material (SANT/PRI/1-8)
18. Transcripts of documents (SANT/TRA/1-2)

Many of the documents are relevant to more than one heading. For example, deeds are found within bequests as well as in the deeds section of the catalogue.

The general entry for each heading gives overall information about the items in that category. See, for example, SANT/PHO/ALB for a long list of the various albums and what they cover.  To search within the collection for items covering a particular topic, you need to include an entry in the Keywords line. For example, SANT in the Ref box and ALNWICK in the Keywords Search would bring you up all catalogue entries concerning Alnwick; if you refined your search in the Ref box to SANT/PHO, it would bring up all entries concerning photographs of Alnwick.

More details on the Society’s collections

Cataloguing by the Popular Politics Project

Many of the Society's archives have been included on the database created by the Popular Politics Project. The material was collected by volunteers who worked in the archives and libraries of the region and beyond. It has then been edited, rationalised into blocks of material from each archive/library, and entered with suitable cross referencing by Sean Creighton, the Archival Mapping & Research Co-ordinator. The database is divided into topics; our collections are topic 432. So type 432 into the Search box, and then click Details on the first entry for a complete listing of the items from our collection that the project reviewed; you can then put the Woodhorn reference (explained above) into their search engine to obtain more details on that particular item.

In the future, don’t forget your past