The Society's seal and three photographs

Events of interest



Events listed on this page are a mix of on-line and live; for those that are live, please check before setting off that they are still happening.


November 2024

  • 1-3 Nov, David I 900 – his reign, reputation and the burgh of Stirling, conference at the University of Stirling, to mark the 900th anniversary of the accession of David 1 to the throne of Scotland. Follow this link for details and booking form, £40 for full conference, various concessions (attendees must book their own accommodation).
  • 2 Nov, Fourteenth Hadrian’s Wall Archaeology Forum (a second one this year as it returns to its traditional Autumn slot), Queen’s Hall, Hexham. Details and tickets available from 7 Oct.
  • 8 Nov, 10.00-3.15, New Research on Finds from the Roman North West, Roman Finds Group conference, online via Zoom. Free. Follow this link for more details and to register.
  • 9 Nov, 9.30-4.45, The End of Hadrian's Wall and the End of the Roman Empire in Britain, Arbeia Society Conference, Custom House, Mill Dam, South Shields. Follow this link for programme and booking form. £20 for non-members, includes coffee/ tea but not lunch.
  • 9 Nov, 11.00, The Architecture of the Monastic Revival in Northumbria, Dr Eric Cambridge (Durham Univ), Bede Museum, Church Bank, Jarrow, NE32 3DY, see above (12 Oct) for details.
  • 9 Nov, 2.30, Hartlepool Conservation Zone, Tim Bailey. AASDN lecture, Elvet Riverside building, New Elvet, Durham. Free, no need to book.
  • 12 Nov, 7.30, The Blacketts, Greg Finch. Trinity House, Broad Chare, Newcastle NE1 3DQ. Collingwood Society lecture, £3 for non-members, light refreshments available. Follow this link for their 2024 events diary.
  • 12 Nov, 7.30, Roman roads: who built them, who maintained them, and who were they for? Mike Haken, CBA Yorkshire Fireside Chat online, free, no need to register in advance.
  • 12 Nov, 7.30, The Cramlington Train Wreckers: Terrorists or Workers Defending their Community. Trinity Methodist Church Hall, Beaumont Street, Hexham. Hexham Local History Society talk, small payment for non-members. Follow this link to see their 2024 programme.
  • 16-17 Nov (with extra events 15 and 18 Nov),  Archaeology of Waterways Conference, at The Teaching & Learning Centre, Durham University, DH1 3LS. Nautical Archaeology Society Annual Conference, £63 standard ticket, concessions for members of sponsoring organisations.
  • 19 Nov, 7.00, Durham Cathedral; World Heritage webinar, Dr Anne Allen, 3rd in a series of World Heritage UK online lectures, £5, must register in advance.
  • 20 Nov, 12.00-2.00,  Balancing the Books; How should the Heritage Sector be Funded? Heritage Alliance online debate, chaired by Carole Souter CBE, (former Chief Exec of Heritage Lottery Fund). Free, but must book via Eventbrite.
  • 23 Nov, 11.00 (refreshments available from 10.30), Ada Lovelace, Lord Byron and Family, Anthony Atkinson, at Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend. Friends of Segedunum talk, £3 for non-members.
  • 25 Nov, 2.00, The Rocks at the Edge of the Empire, Ian Jackson, City Library, Newcastle. Must book via Eventbrite, £3. Part of the Books on Tyne Festival.
  • 25 Nov, 6.00, The Chain Saw Massacre, David Breeze on the cutting down of the tree at Sycamore Gap, Lit and Phil, Westgate Road, Newcastle. Must book via Eventbrite, £3. Part of the Books on Tyne Festival.
  • 26 Nov, 7.30, Recent Excavations, Stephen Sherlock, Teesside Archaeological Society talk, The Moline Cross, 74 Station Road, Norton, TS20 1PE. Non-members £3 on the door.
  • 28 Nov, 530-6.30, From Function to Form - Medieval Seals within Durham Cathedral Archive, Andrew Gray,  7 Owengate, Durham, DH1 3HB, free but must book via Eventbrite. One of the Museum’s series of Twilight Talks

December 2024

  • 12 Dec, 7.00, George Tate: From draper’s apprentice to eminent geologist and historian, Alison Tymon, Northumberland Archives online talk, free, must register in advance. NB, click on the box labelled 'General Admission 2', and not the one labelled 'General Admission', where it says the lecture is sold out)..
  • 14 Dec, 2.30, What The Romans did for Durham and Northumberland, David Mason, Senior Archaeologist, Durham County Council, AASDN lecture, Elvet Riverside building, New Elvet, Durham. Free, no need to book.

And further ahead

  • 11 Jan 2025, 2.30, Community Archaeology in Teesdale, Dr Rob Young, AASDN lecture, Elvet Riverside building, New Elvet, Durham. Free, no need to book.
  • 16 Jan, 7.00, From Ruin to Restoration: Raiding the Past at Cresswell Pele Tower, Steve Lowe, Northumberland Archives online talk, free, must register in advance (NB, click on the box labelled 'General Admission 2', and not the one labelled 'General Admission', where it says the lecture is sold out).
  • 8 Feb, 2.30, Early Farming in Britain, Prof Peter Rowley-Cowley (Durham Univ), AASDN lecture, Elvet Riverside building, New Elvet, Durham. Free, no need to book.
  • 15 Mar, 2.30, title tbc, Candy Hatherley and Claire Christie, Headland Archaeology (about excavations at Hazelrigg, Newcastle). AASDN lecture, Elvet Riverside building, New Elvet, Durham. Free, no need to book.
  • 1 Mar, Annual Archaeology Forum, Regional Heritage Centre, Lancaster University, details tba.
  • 12 Apr, 2.30, Recent Excavations at Buxton Lane, Ryhope, Kylie Buxton, West Yorks Archaeological Services, AASDN lecture, Elvet Riverside building, New Elvet, Durham. Free, no need to book.
  • 8 June, 2.30, Marrying the old and new, looking backwards to look forwards, Graeme Dodd, Specialist Conservation Architect at Napper Architects, AASDN lecture, Elvet Riverside building, New Elvet, Durham. Free, no need to book.
  • 29-31 July 2025, Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities conference, Durham University and online, conference partners include the British Library and the National Archives,



In the future, don’t forget your past