What your subscription gives you
- We have Monthly Meetings (lectures) on the last Wednesday of every month except December. You are entitled to bring a friend to any monthly meeting - a good way of introducing someone who you think might like to join.
- We have a full programme of Country Meetings (outings), country walks, and other social events. In most cases, this involves additional payments for transport, refreshment etc.
- Each year individual full members be sent a copy of our learned journal Archaeologia Aeliana, published annually and consisting of original papers on the archaeology and history of Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle upon Tyne and of reports on excavations in the area. Members also have access online to the last five years' volumes (not available to the public). Online student members are not sent a printed copy of AA, but do have access to the online volumes.
- Our News Bulletin is published twice a year in June and December. You can also subscribe to our monthly e-bulletin, which gives you information about coming events (ours and others in which you might be interested) and news.
- Our library in the Great North Museum: Hancock, Newcastle upon Tyne, has 30,000 books, including valuable ones on restricted access. The library is currently open for limited hours,10am to 2pm, Monday to Thursday. Members can borrow books and journals, and have online access to certain journals.
- We are organisational members of the British Association for Local History (BALH), which gives our members discounted or free entry to their events.
- You get free entry to the Morpeth Chantry Bagpipe Museum.
- There are opportunities to volunteer to help behind the scenes at museums, at excavations, and at special events, and to help with local research.
When you join, you will be sent a folder of current information about the Society.