The Society's seal and three photographs

Contents lists

Article(s) 851-875 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Dendy, F.W.Wardship in tenure by socagearticle3819121
Hodgson, J.C.The Lordship of Kidland and its successive ownersarticle38191219
Greenwell, Rev. Wm. and Hunter Blair, C.H.Durham seals: a catalogue of seals at Durham (continued from Vol. 7, 268)article38191246
Greenwell, Rev. Wm. and Hunter Blair, C.H.Durham seals: a catalogue of seals at Durham (continued from Vol. 7, 268)article38191246
Forster, R.H., Knowles, W.H. and othersCorstopitum: report on the excavations in 1911article381912137
Forster, R.H., Knowles, W.H. and othersCorstopitum: report on the excavations in 1911article381912137
Welford, R.An Alston manor pain rollarticle381912264
(Hodgson, J.C. notes)Carlecroft otherwise Stokershaugh (see p. 19)article381912272
Gee, Rev. H.The correspondence of George Davenport, sometime Rector of Houghton-le-Springarticle3919131
Boddington, Rev. E., Vicar of GreathamPre-Conquest discoveries at Greatham Churcharticle39191311
Welford, R.Newcastle Assembliesarticle39191325
Culley, Rev. M. of Coupland CastleAkeld Towerarticle39191337
Newbold, P.Excavations on the Roman Wall at Limestone Bankarticle39191354
Dendy, F.W.Obituary of Thomas Hodgkin; with bibliography and pedigreeobituary39191375
Richardson, R.K.The Bishopric of Durham under Anthony Bek, 1283-1311article39191389
Forster, R.H., Knowles, W.H., Haverfield, F.J., Newbold, P.Corstopitum: report on the excavations in 1912article391913230
Forster, R.H., Knowles, W.H., Haverfield, F.J., Newbold, P.Corstopitum: report on the excavations in 1912article391913230
Forster, R.H., Knowles, W.H., Haverfield, F.J., Newbold, P.Corstopitum: report on the excavations in 1912article391913230
Forster, R.H., Knowles, W.H., Haverfield, F.J., Newbold, P.Corstopitum: report on the excavations in 1912article391913230
Greenwell, Rev. Wm., Hunter Blair, C.H.Durham seals Part IIIarticle391913281
Greenwell, Rev. Wm., Hunter Blair, C.H.Durham seals Part IIIarticle391913281
Hodgson, J.C.History of the Society, 1813-1913article31019141
Hunter Blair, C.H.The Society's libraryarticle310191426
Hodgson, J.C.Patrons, presidents and officersarticle310191440
Hodgson, J.C.Chronological list of Ordinary Members, 1813-1913article310191441
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