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Article(s) 476-500 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Watkin, W. T.Remarks upon Groups of Roman Milestonesarticle2101885130-132
Clayton, JohnOn a Roman Signet Ring, representing a Chariot Race, found at Cilurnumarticle2101885133-137
Clephan, JamesJohn Widdrington of The Old Bank, and Carlyle of Invereskarticle2101885138-147
Clayton, John, Watkin, W. T., Hübner, E., and Stephens, G.On the discovery of Roman Inscribed Altars, etc., at Housesteads, November, 1883article2101885148-172
Clayton, John, Watkin, W. T., Hübner, E., and Stephens, G.On the discovery of Roman Inscribed Altars, etc., at Housesteads, November, 1883article2101885148-172
Clayton, John, Watkin, W. T., Hübner, E., and Stephens, G.On the discovery of Roman Inscribed Altars, etc., at Housesteads, November, 1883article2101885148-172
Clayton, John, Watkin, W. T., Hübner, E., and Stephens, G.On the discovery of Roman Inscribed Altars, etc., at Housesteads, November, 1883article2101885148-172
Gregory, J. V.Place-Names of the County of Durhamarticle2101885173-185
Middleton, Jr., R. M.On Yoden, a Mediaeval Site between Castle Eden and Easingtonarticle2101885186-187
Middleton, Jr., R. M.On a Leaden Tobacco-Stopper found at Castle Edenarticle2101885188
Middleton, Jr., R. M.On an Armlet of Fine Gold, found at Shottonarticle2101885189-190
Woodman, WilliamOn a Leaden Seal of Henry IV., found at Catchburn, near Morpetharticle2101885191-192
Bruce, J. C.Notes on a Mediaeval Grave Cover from Alnwick Abbeyarticle2101885193-194
Boyle, J. R.On the Monastery and Church of St. Paul, Jarrowarticle2101885195-216
Boyle, J. R.On the Windows in the South Wall of the Chancel of St. Paul's Church, Jarrowarticle2101885217-219
Moffatt, James G.Pre-Historic Grave from the Lilburn Hill Farm, on the Lilburn Tower estatearticle2101885220-222
Bruce, J. C.On the Recent Discoveries in the Roman Camp on the Lawe, South Shieldsarticle2101885223-310
Bruce, J. C.Later Discoveries at the Lawe, South Shieldsarticle2101885311-318
Clephan, JamesThe Painter Heugh, Newcastle; and the Wind-millarticle21118861-10
Dwarris, B. E.Notes on Bywellarticle211188611-17
Low, J. L.On the Authorities for the History of St. Cuthbertarticle211188618-26
Browne, G. F.On Inscriptions at Jarrow and Monkwearmoutharticle211188627-32
Boyle, J. R.On the Monastery and Church of St. Peter, Monkwearmoutharticle211188633-51
Hirst, J.The Pfahl-grabenarticle211188652-60
Longstaffe, W. H. D.William Gray, the Author of the Chorographiaarticle211188661-64
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