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Article(s) 3051-3075 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Nolan, John, Vaughan, Jenny27 Close, Newcastle upon Tyne: Archaeological Investigation, 1994article5472018155-199
Newman, CaronAn Investigation of the Design and Evolution of the Rothley Lakes Landscape, Wallington, Northumberlandarticle5472018201-221
Pears, Richard, Purdue, A. W.The Custom House, Quayside, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5472018223-254
Pears, Richard, Purdue, A. W.The Custom House, Quayside, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5472018223-254
Castling, John, Woolford, ClaraUncovering a Georgian murder scene: the excavation of a Northumberland quilter’s cottagearticle5472018255-270
Castling, John, Woolford, ClaraUncovering a Georgian murder scene: the excavation of a Northumberland quilter’s cottagearticle5472018255-270
Gregory, Richard A., Dungworth, David, Wild, Chris, Miller, IanExcavating the Wear Flint Glass Works, Lisburn Terrace, Sunderlandarticle5472018271-305
Gregory, Richard A., Dungworth, David, Wild, Chris, Miller, IanExcavating the Wear Flint Glass Works, Lisburn Terrace, Sunderlandarticle5472018271-305
Gregory, Richard A., Dungworth, David, Wild, Chris, Miller, IanExcavating the Wear Flint Glass Works, Lisburn Terrace, Sunderlandarticle5472018271-305
Gregory, Richard A., Dungworth, David, Wild, Chris, Miller, IanExcavating the Wear Flint Glass Works, Lisburn Terrace, Sunderlandarticle5472018271-305
McIntosh, FrancesBreeze (ed.), The Crosby Garret Helmetreview5472018307
Moat, StephanieAldhouse-Green, Sacred Britannia: The Gods and Rituals of Roman Britainreview5472018307-309
Huntley, J. P.Hodkinson, The Ague: a History of Indigenous Malaria in Cumbria and the Northreview5472018309-310
Pears, RichardMalcolmson and Malcolmson, Wartime Cumbria, 1939–1945review5472018310
Allott, StephenTurnbull, The Early Railways of the Derwent Valleyreview5472018311
O'Meara, Don P.Green and Crosbie (eds.), Economy and Culture in North-East Englandreview5472018311-312
Wilmott, TonyRidgway and Proctor, ‘Parterres Bright with Flowers’: A history of the walled gardens of Alnwick Castle as revealed through excavations and standing building surveyreview5472018312-313
Fern, Roger W.Index5472018315
Breeze, David J., Hill, P. R.Turrets, wing walls and wall-walks on Hadrian’s Wallarticle54820191-14
Breeze, David J., Hill, P. R.Turrets, wing walls and wall-walks on Hadrian’s Wallarticle54820191-14
Rushworth, AlanA Roman Road in Context: Excavation beside the Information Centre Car Park at Housesteads, Northumberlandarticle548201915-56
Muncaster, WarrenExcavation of an Early Medieval Settlement at Felton, Northumberlandarticle548201957-92
Barrow, Tony, Incendiary Letters and Iniquitous Practices: Smuggling and Customs Evasion in North East England, 8>97–8?<7article548201993-108
Greatbatch, Mike, The Changing Nature and Value of Property in Sandgate, 8>=7–8?78article5482019109-132
Gailiunas, PaulPolitical Portraits in the Lit and Philarticle5482019133-148
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