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Article(s) 3001-3025 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Symonds, Matthew, Breeze, David J.The building of Hadrian’s Wall: a reconsideration Part 2: the central sectorarticle54520161-16
Symonds, Matthew, Breeze, David J.The building of Hadrian’s Wall: a reconsideration Part 2: the central sectorarticle54520161-16
Biggins, J. Alan, Taylor, David J. A.A Geophysical Survey of the Roman Fort at Carvoran (Magna), Northumberlandarticle545201617-36
Biggins, J. Alan, Taylor, David J. A.A Geophysical Survey of the Roman Fort at Carvoran (Magna), Northumberlandarticle545201617-36
Snape, Margaret E., Stobbs, GraemeThe military bath house at the Roman fort of Chesters, Northumberlandarticle545201637-117
Snape, Margaret E., Stobbs, GraemeThe military bath house at the Roman fort of Chesters, Northumberlandarticle545201637-117
Brayson, AlexTaxing the North-East: Northumberland and the Knights’ Fees Subsidy of 1428article5452016119-131
McKinley, Jacqueline I.A medieval chapel and post-medieval burials at Saint Ebba’s Chapel, Beadnell, Northumberlandarticle5452016133-144
Pears, RichardAn Observation Tower on Newcastle Quaysidearticle5452016145-158
Dower, Robin, Ryder, Peter F.The Black Barn at Tow House, Bardon Mill, Northumberland, a heather-thatched barn and its contextarticle5452016159-185
Dower, Robin, Ryder, Peter F.The Black Barn at Tow House, Bardon Mill, Northumberland, a heather-thatched barn and its contextarticle5452016159-185
Fawcett, Bill, Morrison, JenniThe history and archaeology of the Forth Banks Goods Station, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5452016187-222
Fawcett, Bill, Morrison, JenniThe history and archaeology of the Forth Banks Goods Station, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5452016187-222
Moore, Krissy, Burgess, ChrisThe WW1 practice trenches on Blaeberry Hill near Rothbury, Northumberland: Coquetdale Community Archaeology Excavations in 2008article5452016223-241
Moore, Krissy, Burgess, ChrisThe WW1 practice trenches on Blaeberry Hill near Rothbury, Northumberland: Coquetdale Community Archaeology Excavations in 2008article5452016223-241
Alberti, MartaA polished bone drop-spinning set from Vindolandanote5452016243-247
Breeze, David J.Robertson, The Antonine Wall. A Handbook to Scotland’s Roman Frontier, rev. and ed. Lawrence Keppie.review5452016249-250
Rushworth, AlanBreeze, Bearsden: A Roman Fort on the Antonine Wallreview5452016250-251
Breeze, David J.Rushworth and Croom, Segedunum. Excavations by Charles Daniels in the Roman Fort at Wallsend (1975–1984), 2 vols.review5452016251-253
Wilmott, TonyCollins, Symonds and Weber (eds.), Roman Military Architecture on the Frontiers; armies and their architecture in Late Antiquityreview5452016253-254
Heslop, David H.Proctor, Gaimster, and Langthorne: A Quaker Burial Ground in North Shields: Excavations at Coach Lane, Tyne & Wearreview5452016254-255
Allason-Jones, LindsayObituary: David Smith (1923–2016)obituary5452016257-259
Fern, Roger W.Index5452016261-270
Cleeve, Howard N.An account of the first part of Volume I of Archaeologia Aelianaarticle54620171-19
Breeze, David J.The placing of the forts on Hadrian’s Wallarticle546201721-39
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