The Society's seal and three photographs

Contents lists

Article(s) 2851-2875 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Breeze, AndrewDin Guoaroy, the Old Welsh Name of Bamburgharticle5382009123-127
Edwards, B. J. N.John Collingwood Bruce: Some Sidelightsarticle5382009129-137
Penn, JohnThe Enigmatic Architect: Frank West Rich (1840—1929)article5382009139-149
Curry, IanThe Newcastle upon Tyne Architectural Practice of Hicks and Charlewood and their successors, 1882—1936article5382009151-160
Mabbitt, JohnHill and Watkinson, Major Sanderson's War. Diary of a Parliamentary Cavalry Officerreview5382009161
Bailey, Richard N.Meikle and Newman, Sunderland and its Origins: Monks to Marinersreview5382009162
Fern, R.W.Index5382009163
Heywood, Brenda, and Breeze, David J.The Vallum causeway and fort ditches at Great Chestersarticle53920101-7
Heywood, Brenda, and Breeze, David J.The Vallum causeway and fort ditches at Great Chestersarticle53920101-7
Corby, MarkHadrian's Wall and the defence of North Britainarticle53920109-13
Egeler, MatthiasA note on the dedication lamiis tribus (RIB 1331) as represented on the Seal of the Societyarticle539201015-23
Birley, Andrew, and Birley, AnthonyA Dolichenum at Vindolandaarticle539201025-51
Birley, Andrew, and Birley, AnthonyA Dolichenum at Vindolandaarticle539201025-51
Bidwell, PaulA survey of the Anglo-Saxon crypt at Hexham and its reused Roman stoneworkarticle539201053-145
Nolan, John, with Harbottle, Barbara, and Vaughan, JennyThe Early Medieval cemetery at the Castle, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5392010147-287
Nolan, John, with Harbottle, Barbara, and Vaughan, JennyThe Early Medieval cemetery at the Castle, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5392010147-287
Nolan, John, with Harbottle, Barbara, and Vaughan, JennyThe Early Medieval cemetery at the Castle, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5392010147-287
Orme, NicholasThe schools and schoolmasters of Durham, 1100-1539article5392010289-305
Gemmill, Elizabeth, Dodds, Ben, and Schofield, PhillippDurham grain prices, 1278-1515article5392010307-327
Gemmill, Elizabeth, Dodds, Ben, and Schofield, PhillippDurham grain prices, 1278-1515article5392010307-327
Gemmill, Elizabeth, Dodds, Ben, and Schofield, PhillippDurham grain prices, 1278-1515article5392010307-327
Brogan, G.Excavations and building recording at 44 to 48 High Bridge, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5392010329-374
Clark, John E.Hexham Abbey: the various movements of the fittings since the Dissolutionarticle5392010375-400
Taylor, Patrick, and Williams, AlanThe Newburn wherries: remnants of the River Tyne's industrial pastarticle5392010401-425
Taylor, Patrick, and Williams, AlanThe Newburn wherries: remnants of the River Tyne's industrial pastarticle5392010401-425
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