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Article(s) 2526-2550 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Holbrook, N., and van der Veen, M.Radiocarbon dates from the settlement at Chester House, Northumberlandnote5231995314-317
Breeze, D. J.P. Bidwell and S. Speak, Excavations at South Shields Roman Fort Vol Ireview5231995319-322
Caruana, I.M. E. Snape, Roman Brooches from North Britain: a classification and a catalogue of produce from sites on the Stanegatereview5231995322-323
Heesom, A.The Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle Upon Tyne, Bicentenary Lectures 1993review5231995323-325
Bidwell, P. T., and Watson, M., with contributions by Batey, C., Brickstock, R., Croom, A.T., Morgan, G., and Payton, R.Excavations on Hadrian's Wall at Denton, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1986-89article52419961-56
Bidwell, P. T., and Watson, M., with contributions by Batey, C., Brickstock, R., Croom, A.T., Morgan, G., and Payton, R.Excavations on Hadrian's Wall at Denton, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1986-89article52419961-56
Bidwell, P. T., and Watson, M., with contributions by Batey, C., Brickstock, R., Croom, A.T., Morgan, G., and Payton, R.Excavations on Hadrian's Wall at Denton, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1986-89article52419961-56
Bidwell, P. T., and Watson, M., with contributions by Batey, C., Brickstock, R., Croom, A.T., Morgan, G., and Payton, R.Excavations on Hadrian's Wall at Denton, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1986-89article52419961-56
Bidwell, P. T., and Watson, M., with contributions by Batey, C., Brickstock, R., Croom, A.T., Morgan, G., and Payton, R.Excavations on Hadrian's Wall at Denton, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1986-89article52419961-56
Bidwell, P. T., and Watson, M., with contributions by Batey, C., Brickstock, R., Croom, A.T., Morgan, G., and Payton, R.Excavations on Hadrian's Wall at Denton, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1986-89article52419961-56
Bidwell, P. T., and Watson, M., with contributions by Batey, C., Brickstock, R., Croom, A.T., Morgan, G., and Payton, R.Excavations on Hadrian's Wall at Denton, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1986-89article52419961-56
Dark, K. R., and Dark, S. P.New Archaeological and Palynological Evidence for a Sub-Roman Reoccupation of Hadrian's Wallarticle524199657-72
Dark, K. R., and Dark, S. P.New Archaeological and Palynological Evidence for a Sub-Roman Reoccupation of Hadrian's Wallarticle524199657-72
Gardener, R.The Departure of Paulinus from Northumbria: A Reappraisalarticle524199673-77
Hepple, L.Walter le Rey Marchis, a Percy King of Arms, and the Falkirk Roll of 1298article524199679-82
Hislop, M.J.B.Lumley Castle, its Antecedents and its Architectarticle524199683-98
Arvanigian, M. E.Free Rents in the Palatinate of Durham, and the Crisis of the late 1430sarticle524199699-108
Williams, Alan, and Williams, E.Excavation of a late Medieval Lime Kiln on Beadnell Point, Northumberlandarticle5241996109-117
Williams, Alan, and Williams, E.Excavation of a late Medieval Lime Kiln on Beadnell Point, Northumberlandarticle5241996109-117
Jessop, O.The Medieval Hospital of Saint Mary Magdalene, Durhamarticle5241996119-127
Heslop, D. H., and McCombie, G.Alderman Fenwick's House, A Late Seventeenth Century House in Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5241996129-169
Heslop, D. H., and McCombie, G.Alderman Fenwick's House, A Late Seventeenth Century House in Pilgrim Street, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5241996129-169
Fraser, C. M.John Hodgson: County Historianarticle5241996171-185
Allason-Jones, L.Roman Military and Domestic Artefacts from Great Chestersmuseum note5241996187-214
McCord, NormanJohn Philipson 1910-1995obituary5241996215-217
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