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Casey, P. J., and Hoffmann, B., with contributions by Dore, J.N., Dickinson, B., Price, J., Cottam, S., and Rackham, J.Excavations on the Corbridge Bypass, 1974article523199517-45
Lewis, M. J. T.A Festuca from Chesters?article523199547-50
Cambridge, Eric, and Williams, A. J. T., with contributions by Bailey, R. N., Beckensall, S., Coldstream, N., Goodrick, G., Hexham Abbey: A review of recent work and its implicationsarticle523199551-138
Cambridge, Eric, and Williams, A. J. T., with contributions by Bailey, R. N., Beckensall, S., Coldstream, N., Goodrick, G., Hexham Abbey: A review of recent work and its implicationsarticle523199551-138
Cambridge, Eric, and Williams, A. J. T., with contributions by Bailey, R. N., Beckensall, S., Coldstream, N., Goodrick, G., Hexham Abbey: A review of recent work and its implicationsarticle523199551-138
Cambridge, Eric, and Williams, A. J. T., with contributions by Bailey, R. N., Beckensall, S., Coldstream, N., Goodrick, G., Hexham Abbey: A review of recent work and its implicationsarticle523199551-138
Cambridge, Eric, and Williams, A. J. T., with contributions by Bailey, R. N., Beckensall, S., Coldstream, N., Goodrick, G., Hexham Abbey: A review of recent work and its implicationsarticle523199551-138
Cambridge, Eric, and Williams, A. J. T., with contributions by Bailey, R. N., Beckensall, S., Coldstream, N., Goodrick, G., Hexham Abbey: A review of recent work and its implicationsarticle523199551-138
Hislop, M. J. B.John of Gaunt's building works at Dunstanburgh Castlearticle5231995139-144
Fraser, R., Jamfrey, C., and Vaughan, J.Excavation on the Site of the Mansion House, Newcastle, 1990article5231995145-213
Fraser, R., Jamfrey, C., and Vaughan, J.Excavation on the Site of the Mansion House, Newcastle, 1990article5231995145-213
Fraser, R., Jamfrey, C., and Vaughan, J.Excavation on the Site of the Mansion House, Newcastle, 1990article5231995145-213
Heslop, D. H., Truman, L. and Vaughan, J.E.Excavation of the Town Wall in the Milk Market, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5231995215-234
Heslop, D. H., Truman, L. and Vaughan, J.E.Excavation of the Town Wall in the Milk Market, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5231995215-234
Heslop, D. H., Truman, L. and Vaughan, J.E.Excavation of the Town Wall in the Milk Market, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5231995215-234
Summerson, H.From Border stronghold to Railway Station: The fortunes of Berwick Castle 1560-1850article5231995235-248
Clavering, E., and Rounding, A.Early Tyneside Industrialism: The lower Derwent and Blaydon Burn Valleys 1550-1700article5231995249-268
Clavering, E., and Rounding, A.Early Tyneside Industrialism: The lower Derwent and Blaydon Burn Valleys 1550-1700article5231995249-268
Downing, M. F.Ewart Park and Estate, Northumberlandarticle5231995269-289
Brown, H. DianaColliery Cottages 1830-1915: The Great Northern Coalfieldarticle5231995291-305
Cousins, S., and Tolan-Smith, C.An Upper Palaeolithic Flint Tool from the Tyne Valley, Northumberlandmuseum note5231995307-309
Cousins, S., and Tolan-Smith, C.An Upper Palaeolithic Flint Tool from the Tyne Valley, Northumberlandmuseum note5231995307-309
Bishop, M. C.A "new" tile-stamp from Corbridge and Legionary dispositions on the Tyne-Solway isthmusnote5231995311-312
Snape, M. E.Watching brief at Morton Walk, South Shieldsnote5231995312-314
Holbrook, N., and van der Veen, M.Radiocarbon dates from the settlement at Chester House, Northumberlandnote5231995314-317
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