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Contents lists

Article(s) 2126-2150 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Henig, MartinAn Intaglio from Roman Corbridgenote581980161-163
Clack, P.A.G., and Kilmurray, K.A Stamford Ware Lamp from Saddler Street, Durham Citynote581980163-164
Clack, P.A.G., and Kilmurray, K.A Stamford Ware Lamp from Saddler Street, Durham Citynote581980163-164
Philipson, J.Cross-Ridge Dykes on Clennel Street, Northumberlandnote581980164-168
Bailey, Richard N.Brian Hope-Taylor, Yeavering: An Anglo-British Settlement of Early Northumbriareview581980169-171
Hill, P. R.Stonework and the Archaeologist: including a stonemason's view of Hadrian's Wallarticle5919811-22
Jobey, GeorgeGroups of small cairns and the excavation of a cairnfield on Millstone Hill, Northumberlandarticle59198123-43
Gates, TimA Food Vessel burial from Well House Farm, Newton, Northumberlandarticle59198145-50
Jobey, IanExcavations on the Romano-British settlement at Middle Gunnar Peak, Barrasford, Northumberlandarticle59198151-74
Harbottle, B., and Ellison, M., with contributions by Donaldson, A. M., Robson, G. D., Rackham, J., Vaughan, J. E., and Walton, P.An excavation in the Castle ditch, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1974-6article59198175-250
Harbottle, B., and Ellison, M., with contributions by Donaldson, A. M., Robson, G. D., Rackham, J., Vaughan, J. E., and Walton, P.An excavation in the Castle ditch, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1974-6article59198175-250
Harbottle, B., and Ellison, M., with contributions by Donaldson, A. M., Robson, G. D., Rackham, J., Vaughan, J. E., and Walton, P.An excavation in the Castle ditch, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1974-6article59198175-250
Harbottle, B., and Ellison, M., with contributions by Donaldson, A. M., Robson, G. D., Rackham, J., Vaughan, J. E., and Walton, P.An excavation in the Castle ditch, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1974-6article59198175-250
Harbottle, B., and Ellison, M., with contributions by Donaldson, A. M., Robson, G. D., Rackham, J., Vaughan, J. E., and Walton, P.An excavation in the Castle ditch, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1974-6article59198175-250
Harbottle, B., and Ellison, M., with contributions by Donaldson, A. M., Robson, G. D., Rackham, J., Vaughan, J. E., and Walton, P.An excavation in the Castle ditch, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1974-6article59198175-250
Harbottle, B., and Ellison, M., with contributions by Donaldson, A. M., Robson, G. D., Rackham, J., Vaughan, J. E., and Walton, P.An excavation in the Castle ditch, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1974-6article59198175-250
Pattinson, T. Report by Karmis, P., Wilkinson, I., and Titman, C. W.Excavation of the Magdalene Chapel, Warkworth, Northumberland, 1977; with a report of a resistivity surveyarticle591981251-265
Pattinson, T. Report by Karmis, P., Wilkinson, I., and Titman, C. W.Excavation of the Magdalene Chapel, Warkworth, Northumberland, 1977; with a report of a resistivity surveyarticle591981251-265
Pattinson, T. Report by Karmis, P., Wilkinson, I., and Titman, C. W.Excavation of the Magdalene Chapel, Warkworth, Northumberland, 1977; with a report of a resistivity surveyarticle591981251-265
Pattinson, T. Report by Karmis, P., Wilkinson, I., and Titman, C. W.Excavation of the Magdalene Chapel, Warkworth, Northumberland, 1977; with a report of a resistivity surveyarticle591981251-265
Day, J.C., and Charlton, D. B.Excavation and field survey in Upper Redesdale: Part IIIarticle591981267-298
Day, J.C., and Charlton, D. B.Excavation and field survey in Upper Redesdale: Part IIIarticle591981267-298
Howell, Jr., RogerThe Army and the English Revolution: the case of Robert Lilburnearticle591981299-315
Philipson, J.The Sebroke Crosier and the nineteenth century Newcastle Museumarticle591981317-332
McCord, N.The making of modern Newcastlearticle591981333-346
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