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Contents lists

Article(s) 2026-2050 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Austin, D.Fieldwork and excavation at Hart, Co. Durham, 1965-1975article54197669-132
Ellison, M.Excavation at Aydon Castle, Northumberland, 1975article541976133-138
Drury, J. LindaEarly settlement in Stanhope Park, Weardale, c. 1406-79article541976139-149
Gill, M. A. V.The potteries of Tyne and Wear and their dealings with the Beilby/Bewick workshoparticle541976151-170
Caplan, CliveTo Neptune and to Oceanusmuseum note541976171-176
Newman, T. G.A stone implement from Fairnley Farm, Cambo, Northumberlandmuseum note541976177
Newman, T. G.The jet necklace from Kyloe, Northumberlandmuseum note541976177-182
Newman, T. G.A crop-mark site at Hasting Hill, Tyne and Wear, NZ 355541note541976183-184
Dore, J. N.Excavations at South Shields, 1975note541976185-186
Dore, J. N., and Greene, K.North African pottery from South Shieldsnote541976186-189
Dore, J. N., and Greene, K.North African pottery from South Shieldsnote541976186-189
Parsons, D.D. P. Kirby (ed.), Saint Wilfrid at Hexhamreview541976191
Dobson, B.R. P. Wright and E. J. Philips, Roman inscribed and sculptured stones in Carlisle Museumreview541976192
Philipson, J.S. J. Watts, From Border to Middle Shire: Northumberland 1586-1625review541976192-193
Philipson, J.L. Turnbull, The history of lead mining in the North East of Englandreview541976193
Jobey, G.Iron Age and later farmsteads on Belling Law, Northumberlandarticle5519771-38
Newman, T. G.Two Early Bronze Age cist burials in Northumberlandarticle55197739-45
Gillam, J. P.The Roman forts at Corbridgearticle55197747-74
Shiel, N.Carausian and Allectan coin evidence from the Northern Frontierarticle55197775-79
Morris, C. D.Northumbria and the Viking settlement: the evidence for land-holdingarticle55197781-103
Lang, J. T.The St. Helena cross, Church Kelloe, County Durhamarticle551977105-119
Harbottle, B., and Newman, T. G.Excavation and survey in North Tynedale, 1973-1975article551977121-154
Harbottle, B., and Newman, T. G.Excavation and survey in North Tynedale, 1973-1975article551977121-154
Philipson, J.The old British round kiln in Northumberlandarticle551977155-162
Hunt, C. J., and Isaac, Peter C. G.The regulation of the booktrade in Newcastle upon Tyne at the beginning of the nineteenth centuryarticle551977163-178
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