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Contents lists

Article(s) 1826-1850 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Gillam, J.P. and Tait, J., with a contribution by Hartley, B.R.The Roman fort at Chester-le-Streetarticle446196875-97
Hooley, J. and Breeze, D.J.The building of Hadrian's Wall: a reconsiderationarticle446196897-114
Hooley, J. and Breeze, D.J.The building of Hadrian's Wall: a reconsiderationarticle446196897-114
Daniels, C.M.A hoard of iron and other materials from Corbridgearticle4461968115-126
Hodgson, G.W.I.A comparative account of the animal remains from Corstopitum and the Iron Age site of Catcote near Hartlepool, County Durhamarticle4461968127-162
Harbottle, R.B. Contributions by Gillam, J.P., Parsons, J.E., Cowper, R.A.S. and Powell, K.Excavations at the Carmelite Friary, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1965 and 1967article4461968163-224
Harbottle, R.B. Contributions by Gillam, J.P., Parsons, J.E., Cowper, R.A.S. and Powell, K.Excavations at the Carmelite Friary, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1965 and 1967article4461968163-224
Harbottle, R.B. Contributions by Gillam, J.P., Parsons, J.E., Cowper, R.A.S. and Powell, K.Excavations at the Carmelite Friary, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1965 and 1967article4461968163-224
Harbottle, R.B. Contributions by Gillam, J.P., Parsons, J.E., Cowper, R.A.S. and Powell, K.Excavations at the Carmelite Friary, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1965 and 1967article4461968163-224
Harbottle, R.B. Contributions by Gillam, J.P., Parsons, J.E., Cowper, R.A.S. and Powell, K.Excavations at the Carmelite Friary, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1965 and 1967article4461968163-224
Howell, R.The elections to the Long Parliament in Newcastle upon Tyne: some new evidencearticle4461968225-228
Tuck, R.F.The origins of the Royal Grammar School, Newcastle upon Tynearticle4461968229-272
Robinson, H. RussellAn Iron Age sword blademuseum note4461968273-275
Tait, J.Neolithic Pottery from Northumberlandmuseum note4461968275-281
Smith, D.J.Two unpublished rakes of deerhornmuseum note4461968281-284
Smith, D.J.The Archer's Tombstone from Housesteadsmuseum note4461968284-291
Jobey, G.A radiocarbon date for the palisaded settlement at Huckhoenote4461968293-295
Zealand, C.A.Discovery of a middle Bronze Age spear-headnote4461968296-297
Whitcomb, N.R.Two prehistoric dug-out canoes from the river Wear at Hylton, near Sunderland, County Durhamnote4461968297-301
Middlebrook, S.Howell, Roger, Newcastle upon Tyne and the Puritan Revolutionreview4461968303-304
Jobey, G.Ross, Anne, Pagan Celtic Britainreview4461968305-306
Mann, J.C.Ogilvie, R.M. and Richmond, Ian (eds.), Cornelii Taciti; de vita Agricolaereview4461968306-308
Philipson, J.Jessup, Ronald, Age by Age, Landmarks of British Archaeologyreview4461968308-309
Wright, R.P.Two bronze vessels from Northumberland and new readings of the names of other makersarticle44719691-5
Bulmer, W.The provisioning of Roman forts; a reappraisal of ration storagearticle44719697-13
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