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Contents lists

Article(s) 1776-1800 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Jobey, G. and Tait, J. Contributions by Clark, H.H., Tonge, C.H. and Tylecote, R.F.Excavations on palisaded settlements and cairnfields at Alnham, Northumberlandarticle44419665-48
Jobey, G. and Tait, J. Contributions by Clark, H.H., Tonge, C.H. and Tylecote, R.F.Excavations on palisaded settlements and cairnfields at Alnham, Northumberlandarticle44419665-48
Taylor, H.M.Rediscovery of important Anglo-Saxon sculpture at Hexhamarticle444196649-60
Cowen, J.D. and Barty, E.A lost Anglo-Saxon inscription recoveredarticle444196661-70
Cowen, J.D. and Barty, E.A lost Anglo-Saxon inscription recoveredarticle444196661-70
Woodfield, P.Barcombe Hill, Thorngraftonarticle444196671-77
Harbottle, R.B. Contributions by Daniels, C.M., Gillam, J.P., Edwards, B.J.N. and Parsons, J.E.Excavations at the south curtain wall of the castle, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1960-1961article444196679-145
Harbottle, R.B. Contributions by Daniels, C.M., Gillam, J.P., Edwards, B.J.N. and Parsons, J.E.Excavations at the south curtain wall of the castle, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1960-1961article444196679-145
Harbottle, R.B. Contributions by Daniels, C.M., Gillam, J.P., Edwards, B.J.N. and Parsons, J.E.Excavations at the south curtain wall of the castle, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1960-1961article444196679-145
Harbottle, R.B. Contributions by Daniels, C.M., Gillam, J.P., Edwards, B.J.N. and Parsons, J.E.Excavations at the south curtain wall of the castle, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1960-1961article444196679-145
Harbottle, R.B. Contributions by Daniels, C.M., Gillam, J.P., Edwards, B.J.N. and Parsons, J.E.Excavations at the south curtain wall of the castle, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1960-1961article444196679-145
Wall, J.Christian evidences in the Roman period. Part II–The Northern Countiesarticle4441966147-164
Coombes, L.C.Wigham of Coanwoodarticle4441966165-183
Lawson, W.The origin of the Military Road from Newcastle to Carlislearticle4441966185-207
Cowen, J.D.Prehistoric Notesarticle4441966209-235
Woodhead, A.A Bronze Age urn from West Hartlepoolnote4441966237-239
Dodds, W.A sword found at Hart, Co. Durhamnote4441966239-241
Philipson, J.A Quaker grave-covernote4441966242-244
Smith, D.J.Accessions to the Museum of Antiquities in 1957-1959, 1963 and 1964museum note4441966245-252
Cowen, J.D.Collingwood, R.G. and Wright, R.P.: The Roman Inscriptions of Britain, Vol. 1: Inscriptions on Stonereview4441966253-256
Hunter Blair, P.Taylor, H.M. and Taylor, J., Anglo-Saxon Architecture, Vols. I & IIreview4441966256-258
Birley, A.R.Webster, G. and Dudley, D.R., The Roman Conquest of Britain A.D. 43-57review4441966259
Philipson, J.Simpson, W. Douglas, The Ancient Stones of Scotland; Simpson, W. Douglas, Castles in Britain; Bruce, J. Collingwood, Northumbrian Minstrelsyreview4441966259-260
Charlesworth, DorothyExcavations on the Carrawburgh car park site, 1964article44519671-16
Bourne, D.The Roman bridge at Corbridgearticle445196717-26
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