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Article(s) 101-125 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Hodgson, C.Account of two Roman Inscriptionsarticle121832419
Turner, Thomas HudsonCopy of a Commission issued in the year 1650 for inquiring into the Number and Value of Church Livings in the County of Northumberland, and of two Inquisitions taken in pursuance thereof; being so much of the Oliverian, or Parliamentary Survey as relates to that Countyarticle1318441
Dickson, WilliamBills of Cravings of the Sheriff of Northumberland for 1715, of Expenses incurred by him relative to the Rebellion in that Yeararticle13184411
Hodgson, Jr., JohnAn Inquisition taken at Newcastle upon Tyne in 1357, before William Hedwin, Coroner of Tynedale Ward, by twelve Jurors, respecting certain Felonies committed by Persons residing in that Districtarticle13184414
Turner, Thomas HudsonCopies of Records preserved in the Tower of London, relating to the County of Northumberlandarticle13184418
Turner, Thomas HudsonBundle of Placita for the County of Northumberland, No. 42, among the Records in the Tower of Londonarticle13184430
Dickson, WilliamCronica Monasterij de Alnewyke et quodam Libro Cronicanum in Libraria Collegij Regalis Cantabrigiae de dono Regis Henrici VI Fundatorisarticle13184433
Dickson, WilliamContents of the Chartulary of Hulne Abbey, in the Parish of Alnwick, founded by William de Vescy, A. D. 1240, 24 Henry IIIarticle13184446
Dickson, WilliamNotice relative to the Hospital of St. Leonard, in the Parish of Alnwickarticle13184448
Turner, Thomas HudsonExtracts from the Patent Rolls relating to the Rebellion of Gilbert de Middletonarticle13184451
Swinburne, John EdwardExtracts from a Communication giving an Account of some ancient Tomb Stones discovered in Chollerton Church, in the County of Northumberlandarticle13184476
Adamson, JohnAn Account of the Discovery, at Hexham, in Northumberland, of a Brass Vessel, containing a Number of Anglo-Saxon Coins, called Stycas. Reprinted from the Archaeologia, Vol. XXVarticle13184477a
Hodgson, Rev. JohnTestamentary and other Evidences respecting Persons and Property in Newcastle upon Tyne, chiefly in the Fifteenth Centuryarticle13184477
Turner, Thomas HudsonDeeds relating to Newcastle upon Tynearticle13184482
Brockett, John TrotterExtracts from the Minute Book in the Clerk of Assize's Office, for the Northern Circuit, 1665 to 1675article13184486
Hodgson, JohnViscountal Rents for the County of Northumberland, as contained in the Compotus of Sir Thomas Swinburne, Knight, for his Sheriffalty, during the Years 1628 and 1629article13184493
Turner, Thomas HudsonInquisitions Post-mortem relating to Coquetdale Ward; from the Originals in the Tower of Londonarticle13184497
Adamson, JohnFurther Account of the Anglo-Saxon Coins, called Stycas, recently discovered at Hexham, in the County of Northumberland. Reprinted by Permission of the Society of Antiquaries, London, from the Archaeologia, Vol. XXVIarticle131844109a
Trevelyan, Walter CalverleyObservations in a Northern Journey, taken Hill. Vaccon., 1666, by John Stainsby, of Clements Inn, Gent. From the Original in Ashmole's MSS., Vol. 834, Art 6article131844119
Halliwell, James OrchardA Royal License, by Henry VII., in favour of the Merchants of Newcastle to export Wool. From the Manuscript in the British Museum, 1 Bib. Cotton, Vispas. c. xix., fol. 477, &carticle131844123
Halliwell, James OrchardBird's-eye View of Newcastle upon Tyne, from a Drawing preserved in the British Museumarticle131844124
Fox, George TownshendThe Maner of the King's coming to the City of Durham, Anno 1617; a Record of the Founder and Erector of the Market Cross there; and an Abstract of the Contents of the Mayor of Durham's MS.article131844125
Bigsby, RobertMemoir of a Bridle Bit belonging to William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastlearticle131844130
Potter, H. G.On the Crocodile of Egypt. Communicated to the Society Jan. 3, 1843, with Mummies of the young Crocodilearticle131844134
Trevelyan, Walter CalverleyAn Account of Three Inscribed Stones, and a Letter, descriptive thereof dated April 3,1839; to which are added, Mr. Nichol's Suggestions as to the Reading thereon, from the Gentleman's Magazine for December, 1839article131844139
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