Archaeologia Aeliana 1st Series, Vol. 4, 1855
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Trevelyan, W. C.: Extracts from an ancient Bede-roll. 1
Bell, John, and Hodgson, Thos.: Observations on Five Roman Altars, found in the Summer of 1844, at Rutchester, the ancient Vindobala, and the Fourth Station "per lineam Valli" 5
Trevelyan, W. C.: Notes on some of the ancient Songs of Faroe. 15
Bell, John, and Hodgson, Thos.: Account of a Roman Inscription found lately at Risingham, and now in the Collection of the Society. 20
Bell, G. G.: Some Account of a Cave found in working a Limestone Quarry on the Sea Coast, near North Sunderland. 32
Bainbridge, William: Account of the Roman Road called "The Maiden Way." 36
Clayton, John: Account of Excavations at the Mile Castle of Cawfields, on the Roman Wall. 54
Charlton, Edward: On an Ancient Saxon Cross from the Church of Rothbury, Northumberland. 60
Potter, H. Glassford: Amboglanna: Communicated Nov. 6, 1850. 63
Potter, H. Glassford: Amboglanna: Communicated Nov. 5, 1851. 69
Charlton, Edward: On a Medieval Water-Ewer of Metal, in the form of a mailed horseman, discovered near Hexham, Northumberland. 76
Richardson, G. Bouchier: Pons Ælii: An attempt to indicate the Site of the Roman Station at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and the course of the Wall through that town. 82
Charlton, Edward: On an Enamelled Bronze Cup, and a Celt and Ring Mould, in the possession of Sir W. Calverley Trevelyan, Baronet; with Observations on the Use of Metals by the Ancient British and the Romans. 102
Hinde, John Hodgson: Bremetenracum: On the site of Bremetenracum in the Notitia and Bremetonacum in the Itinerary, and on the bearing of this question on Horsley's theory of Secondary Stations "per lineam Valli," with some speculations as to the sites of certain other Stations in the Notitia and Itinerary. 109
Richardson, G. Bouchier: A Muster of the Fencible Inhabitants of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the year 1539, derived from the Original in the Rolls Chapel; preceded by some Observations on the System of Watch and Ward. 119
Potter, H. Glassford: Amboglanna: Read at a Meeting of the Society, Dec. 1852. 141
Charlton, Edward: On the Monumental Stone with Ogham Inscription, from the Island of Bressay, Shetland; Read April 6th, 1853. 150
Hodgson, Rev. John: Musters for Northumberland in 1538. Views of the Musters taken in Tindale, Coquetdale, Bamburgh, and Glendale Wards, Northumberland, in 30 and 31 Henry VIII., from the Original Record in the Chapter-house, Westminster: with an Index and Synopsis of its Contents 157
Dickson, W.: Pipe Roll of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of Edward I., for the County of Northumberland; in continuation of the Series published by the Rev. John Hodgson: with a Translation and Notes 207
Hinde, John Hodgson: An Examination of Horsley's Allocation of the Miscellaneous Notitia Stations in the North of England. 261
Clayton, John: Notes on the Disinterment of the Mile Castle immediately West of the Roman Station of Borcovicus 1853. 269.
Brown, Robt.: An Inquiry into the Origin of the Name "Sunderland"; and as to the Birthplace of the Venerable Bede. 277
Hinde, John Hodgson: Castle Rents anciently payable to the Castle of Newcastle. Read at the Monthly Meeting, March 1, 1854. 285
Featherstonhaugh, Rev. Walker: Chester-le-Street: On the Evidences of its Occupation by the Romans; with an Account of the Discoveries made, and an attempt to determine the Site and Roman Name of the Station. 289
Weddell , R.: The Salmon Fishings in the River Tweed 297
Hinde, John Hodgson: The Belgic Tribes in Britain. 321
Hartshorne, C. H.: Proofs of Age to Heirs of Estates in Northumberland in the Reigns of Edward III. and Richard II. 325
Donations to the Society since January, 1844
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