The Society's seal and three photographs

2nd series, 1857-1904


Archaeologia Aeliana 2nd Series, Vol. 1, 1857

Click here for a digitised copy of this volume, which is available on free, open access on the Archaeology Database Service (ADS) website.

---: Reports, list of members, etc. i
Raine, Jr., James: Anne Countess of Pembroke, Dorset, and Montgomery. 1
Longstaffe, W. H. D. (ed.): Local muniments.
    Lent by Thomas Bell. 23
    Lent by Robert Richardson Dees, Esq. 36
Hinde, John Hodgson: Cornage of Northumberland. 44
Dickson, William: St. Leonard's Hospital, Alnwick. 48
Raine, Jr., James: Order for the Repair of West Gate, Newcastle. 50
Longstaffe, W. H. D.: Case and Opinion on the Rating of Church Lands, &c., in the County of Durham, 1630. 51
---: Extracts from the Parliamentary Surveys of Ecclesiastical Possessions in Northumberland and Durham, 1650. From the Subscribers to the Hodgson Fund. 53
Longstaffe, W. H. D. (ed.): Local muniments. From the Collections of the late J. Brough Taylor, Esq. F.S.A. 61
Trevelyan, Walter Calverley: Letter allusive to the Services of Major Sowle at Newcastle in the Riots of 1740. In the British Museum. 67
Bruce, J. C.: Account of the Excavations at the Roman Station of Bremenium, 1855. 69
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]: Deposition concerning the Hedley Kow. From the Allan MSS. in possession of Robert Henry Allan, Esq. F.S.A. 86
---: The Book of the Circuit and Decays of the Town and Castle of Berwick, in the time of Henry VIII. From the Subscribers to the Hodgson Fund. 87
Longstaffe, W. H. D.: Francis Radclyffe, first Earl of Derwentwater. Chiefly from the papers presented by W.J. Forster, Esq., and others in the possession of John Fenwick, Esq., F.S.A.  95
Longstaffe, W. H. D.: The Procession at the Funeral of Sir Ralph Milbanke, Bart., 1748. 131
Hinde, John Hodgson: The Rental for the Earl of Westmerland's [sic] Lordship of Bywell in 1526. From the subscribers to the Hodgson Fund. 133
Hinde, John Hodgson: The Manor of Bearl. Estreat. 139
Longstaffe, W. H. D. (ed.): Some Account of the House in the Close, Newcastle, on the east side of the Tuthill Stairs. From muniments submitted by James Raine, Jr. 140
Haigh, D. H.: The Saxon Cross at Bewcastle.  149
Lawson, Bart., Sir William: The Inventory of the Goods of Hugh Fitz-Elyas de Richemund and Juliana his wife, taken at her death, 1316. 196
Raine, Jr., James: Sir Edward Radclyffe, of Dilston. Chiefly from Wills and from Papers submitted by John Fenwick, Esq., F.S.A. 197
Bruce, J. C.: Catalogue of the Inscribed and Sculptured Roman Stones in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 221
White, Robert: The Battle of Neville's Cross. 271
Appendix to the Battle of Neville's Cross.
    No. 1 The Cross taken from David King of Scotland. 292
    No. 2 Memoir of John de Coupland. 293
    No. 3 Commencement of a Poem by the late Rev. John Hodgson, on the Battle of Neville's Cross. 295
    No. 4 Ancient Latin Poems on the Subject of the Battle. 297
---: Index. 305

Page created by Scott Vanderbilt, October 2011

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