The Society's seal and three photographs

3rd Series, 1904-1924

Archaeologia Aeliana 3rd Series, Vol. 15, 1918

Click here for a digitised copy of this volume, which is available on free, open access on the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) website.

Hodgson. J. C.: Memoir of the Rev. William Greenwell, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A., a vice-president. 1

Haverfield, F. J.: Early Northumbrian Christianity and the Altars to the ‘Di Veteres’. 22

Boutflower, Rev. D.S.: Thomas Cradock’s estate. 44

Hodgson, J. C.: Remains of John Horsley, the historian. 57

Hodgson, J. C.: Unpublished letters of Richard Dawes, Master of the Newcastle Grammar School, &c. 80

Hodgson, J. C.: George Tate, the historian of Alnwick. 100

Obituary Notices of the Seventh Duke of Northumberland:

    1. by J. C. Hodgson. 109
    2. "An Antiquary’s Memories" by Howard Pease. 112

Greenwell, Rev. W., Hunter Blair, C. H.: Catalogue of Durham seals (continued from Vol. XIV). 115


Page created by Scott Vanderbilt, October 2011

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