Archaeologia Aeliana 4th Series, Vol. 11, 1934
Click here for a digitised copy of this volume, which is available on free, open access on the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) website.
---: List of plates. xi
---: Illustrations in the text. xii
---: Contributions of drawings, plans, and photographs. xiii
---: List of council and officers for 1934. xv
Brewis, Parker: The west walls of Newcastle upon Tyne. Between Durham and Ever towers. 1-20
---: Members of Parliament for Northumberland (September 1327- September 1399). 21-82
Richmond, Ian A.: The Roman fort at South Shields. 83-102
Hunter Blair, Peter: Housesteads milecastle: 103-120
Hunter Blair, C. H.: Walter Shewell Corder: 121-126
Birley, Eric: A new inscription from Chesterholm. 127-137
Stevens, C. E.: A Roman inscription from Beltingham. 138-145
Birley, Eric: A note on the date of the Vallum. 146-157
Keeney, G. S.: Corstopitum as a civil centre. 158-175
Birley, Eric, Brewis, Parker, and Charlton, John: Report for 1933 of the North of England Excavation Committee. 176-184
Birley, Eric and Charlton, John: Third report on excavations at Housesteads. 185-205
Hunter Blair, C. H.: The Renaissance heraldry of Northumberland, II. 206-226
Spain, G. R. B.: The Roman Wall in Westgate, Newcastle upon Tyne. 227-234
[no book reviews]
---: Index. 235
Page created by Scott Vanderbilt, Oct 2011