The Society's seal and three photographs

5th Series, 1973-2021

Archaeologia Aeliana 5th Series, Vol. 1, 1973

Click here for a digitised copy of this volume, which is available on free, open access on the Archaeology Data Service (ADS) website.

Ross, Anne: Some new thoughts on old heads. 1-9
Jobey, G.: A native settlement at Hartburn and the Devil's Causeway, Northumberland, 1971. 11-53
Jobey, G.: A Romano-British settlement at Tower Knowe, Wellhaugh, Northumberland, 1972. 55-79
Gillam, J. P., Harrison, R. M., and Newman, T. G.: Interim report on excavations at the Roman fort of Rudchester, 1972. 81-85
Newman, T. G., and Miket, R. F.: A dagger-grave at Allerwash, Newbrough, Northumberland. 87-95
Charlesworth, D.: A re-examination of two turrets on Hadrian's Wall. 97-109
Birley, R.: Vindolanda–Chesterholm 1969-1972: some important material from the <i>vicus</i>. 111-122
Kewley, J.: Three altars from Chesterholm. 123-127
Kewley, J.: Inscribed capitals on Roman altars from Northern Britain. 129-131
Stringer, K. J.: An alleged medieval Earl of Northumberland. 133-136
Harbottle, B., and Newman, T. G.: Excavation and survey on the Starsley Burn, North Tynedale, 1972. 137-175
Lawson, W.: The construction of the Military Road in Northumberland 1751-1757. 177-193
Harbottle, S. T. L.: W. K. Loftus: An Archaeologist from Newcastle. 195-217
Manby, T. G.: Neolithic pottery from Hasting Hill, Co. Durham. 219-222
Dodds, Ruth: Madeleine Hope Dodds 1885-1972. 223-224
Museum Notes
Charlesworth, D.: The Aesica Hoard. 225-234
Coatsworth, E.: Two representations of the crucifixion on late pre-Conquest carved stones from Bothal, Northumberland. 234-236
Morris, C. D.: An Anglo-Saxon grave-slab from Hurworth, Co. Durham. 236-240
Henig, M.: Baal at Corbridge. 241
Sockett, E. W.: The Stanegate at Homer's Lane. 241-243
Philipson, J.: Three Bewick blocks. 243-245
Philipson, J.: C. M. Fraser and K. Emsley: Tyneside. 247-8
---: D. W. Harding: The Iron Age in the Upper Thames Basin. 248
---: R. W. Davies: Hadrian's Wall – a Practical Guide to the visible remains. 248
---: B. Dobson and D. J. Breeze: The Army of Hadrian's Wall. 248
---: Index. 249-254

Page created by Scott Vanderbilt, Oct 2011

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