The Society's seal and three photographs

Society of Antiquaries

Newcastle upon Tyne

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Become a member and support our mission to conserve and research our history and archaeology.


Our latest news bulletin is issue 77, dated June 2024.

Photo Archive

Scanned images from our photo archive

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                                   Coming events


  • 24 October, 6.00, online, introductory session of the Medieval Palaeography course, being run jointly with Explore Lifelong Learning. Open to all Antiquaries and Explore members. More information and Zoom details in the members' section.
  • 30 October, 6.00, Tony Wilmott and Ian Haynes, The extramural settlements and bathhouse at Birdoswald – excavations 2021-24. This is our annual Public Lecture, and so is in the Curtis Auditorium, Herschel Building, Newcastle University.  Public booking starts 23 October; the flyer containing members' booking details (booking open now) is in the Members' Section.

                                                New Book

  • The Rocks at the Edge of the Empire is a new book by our member Ian Jackson, a professional geologist. It describes the influence of the landscape and rocks of the northern landscape on the Romans and their frontier. Members can find more details, including a discount code available until 31 December 2024, in the Members' section.

                                  Volunteers needed

  • We are looking for volunteers among our members to help with maintaining and promoting the Society and its work. In particular we're looking for anyone interested in helping to monitor and post on our social media pages and/or being involved with managing this website. If you are interested, look in the members' section for more details.


A Full Programme of Talks, Visits, Social Events

Library, Museum Collections, Archives


All welcome to join us. Follow this link to contact us

Twitter: @NclAntiquaries

Facebook: Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne

We are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (registration number, 1188638) Click here for our entry on the Charity Commission website. The Society operated for many years as an incorporated association with charitable status (registration number 230888) with the same name and the same charitable objects. Click here for the Charity Commission entry for the pre-2021 body.

We publish a learned journal, Archaeologia Aeliana, each year, and a News Bulletin twice a year. Small Research Grants are available for original research by members.

We are partners in the management of Newcastle Castle, and are signatories to the North East Statement Against Racism.

Follow this link to join us

Contact the membership administrator on   For financial queries, please contact the Society’s Treasurer at  Invoices need to be submitted electronically. Please let us know of any broken links on this website, at


Our Library at the Great North Museum is open10am to 2pm, Monday to Thursday.

David Heslop, President

In the future, don’t forget your past