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Article(s) 76-100 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Hixon, JohnAccount of some ancient Instruments found in quarrying Stone on the South Side of Roseberry Topping, in 1826article121832213
Hodgson, Rev. JohnAn Account of the Chartulary of Brinkburn, with some Notices respecting those of the Abbies of Newminster and Alnwick, in the County of Northumberland, of Lanercost in Cumberland, and of Shap in Westmorlandarticle121832214
Trevelyan, W. C.The Household Expenses, for one Year, of Philip, third Lord Whartonarticle121832224
Bell, JohnAn Account of the Remains of a Chapel, or Church, and Kirk Garth, near Low Gosforth House, in the County of Northumberlandarticle121832243
Smart, JohnAn Account of a Roman Road in Northumberlandarticle121832246
Fryer, Joseph H.An Account of certain Articles taken from the Graves of the ancient Peruvians, in the Neighbourhood of Arica, on the West Coast of South Americaarticle121832248
Empson, CharlesAn Account of some Golden Articles brought from South America, laid before the Society on the 6th February, 1828, with Remarks thereonarticle121832252
Faber, Rev. G. S.Explanation of some of the South American Figures described by Mr. Empsonarticle121832256
Bell, JohnSome Account of the Bronze Statue of James II., supposed to have formerly stood on the Sandhill, Newcastlearticle121832260
Hodgson, ChristopherAccount of a Roman Inscription found at Old Penritharticle121832265
Howard, HenryAccount of a Golden Armlet found near Aspatria, in the County of Cumberlandarticle121832267
Trevelyan, W. C.An Account of some Letters at Eshton Hall, Yorkshire, relating to the Nunnery of St. Bartholomew, in Newcastle upon Tynearticle121832269
Hodgson, R. W.Abridgments, in English and Latin, of Fifteen Original Ancient Deeds respecting the Manor of Offerton, in the County of Durhamarticle121832273
Cook, Capt. Samuel E.Papers relative to the Murder of Lord Francis Russell, at Hexpethgate-head, on the Middle Marches, between England and Scotland, accompanied by an explanatory Letter from the Rev. John Hodgsonarticle121832287
Brown, Thos.Observations on Mr. Brand's Opinion respecting the Origin of the Prior's Haven, at Tynemoutharticle121832297
Petrie, HenryThe Great Roll of the Half of the Sixth Year of King Richard the First, beginning in July, 1194, and ending in January, 1195; also for Easter Term, in the Seventh Year of King John. From the Originals in the Tower of Londonarticle121832304
Hodgson, C.Account of an ancient Pitcher, found in digging the Foundations for a New Gaol, at Carlislearticle121832313
Blackbird, RussellAccount of the Discovery of a Stone Vault and Urn, at Villa Real, near Jesmondarticle121832315
Brockett, John TrotterA List of the Freeholders of Northumberland, in 1628 and 1638-9article121832316
Hodgson, R. W., Hodgson, Rev. John (notes)A Rental of the Principality of Redesdale; copied from an original Roll, in the possession of William John Charlton, of Hesleyside, Esq., with some Notesarticle121832326
Hodgson, R. W., Hodgson, Rev. John (notes)A Rental of the Principality of Redesdale; copied from an original Roll, in the possession of William John Charlton, of Hesleyside, Esq., with some Notesarticle121832326
MacGregor, JohnAn Inquiry into the State of Literature and the Arts among the Ancient Tuscansarticle121832339
Bell, Thomas CharlesRutupiarum Reliquiae; or, an Account of the celebrated Roman Station Rutupiae, near Sandwich, in the County of Kent; with Remarks on Julius Caesar's Landing Place, in Britainarticle121832369
Hodgson, Rev. JohnAntient Charters respecting Monastical and Lay Property in Cumberland, and other Counties in the North of England; from Originals in the possession of Wm. John Charlton, of Hesleyside, Esq., accompanied with Abstracts of them in English, and some prefatory and illustrative Remarksarticle121832381
Hodgson, JohnAn Account of the ancient Ruined Chapel at East Shaftoe, in the Parish of Hartburn, and County of Northumberlandarticle121832412
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