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Contents lists

Article(s) 551-575 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Bruce, J. C.On some recently discovered Inscriptions of the Roman Period - On a Roman Tombstone at Mertola, Portugalarticle2121887297-298
Gibson, J. P.The Bells of the Priory Church of St. Andrew, Hexhamarticle2121887299-306
Hope, W. H. St. JohnOn the Premonstratensian Abbey of St. Mary at Alnwick, Northumberlandarticle21318891-10
Wilson, F. R.On Wayside Chapels and Hermitages, with special reference to the Chapel on the Old Tyne Bridgearticle213188911-17
Dixon, D. D.The Bells and Communion plate of Rothbury Parish Churcharticle213188918-32
Phillips, MaberlyThe Meeting House at Horsley-upon-Tynearticle213188933-64
Phillips, MaberlyDisused Graveyards in Northumberlandarticle213188965-68
Ferguson, R. S.An Unknown Percy Medalarticle213188969-71
Embleton, DennisOn certain Peculiarities of the Dialect in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Northumberlandarticle213188972-84
Ferguson, R. S.Hadrian's Great Barrierarticle213188985-88
Johnson, AnthonyBywellarticle213188989-166
Clayton, JohnNotes on Lord Collingwoodarticle2131889167-180
Ferguson, R. S.The Wall and Vallum of Hadrianarticle2131889181-184
Hübner, E.On some newly discovered Roman Inscriptions, etc. - An Inscription at Cliburnarticle2131889185-189
Watkin, W. T.On some newly discovered Roman Inscriptions, etc. - Inscriptions from Cilurnum, etc.article2131889190-192
Bruce, J. C.On some newly discovered Roman Inscriptions, etc. - An Inscribed Slab from Newburnarticle2131889192-196
Bruce, J. C.On some newly discovered Roman Inscriptions, etc. - A Centurial Stone from Caervoran, etc.article2131889196-198
Ferguson, R. S.On some newly discovered Roman Inscriptions, etc. - Potters' Marks from Carlislearticle2131889198-199
Bruce, J. C.On some newly discovered Roman Inscriptions, etc. - A Roman Christian Inscription from Portugalarticle2131889198-200
Boyle, J. R.The Insignia and Plate of the Corporation of Morpetharticle2131889201-216
Bates, Cadwallader J.On the Armorial Devices attributed to the County of Northumberlandarticle2131889217-222
Gregory, John V.Notes on the Northumberland Burrarticle2131889223-224
Hedley, R. C.The Pre-Historic Camps of Northumberlandarticle2131889225-233
Phillips, MaberlyAnother Disused Graveyard The Quicks Buring Plas in Sidgatt, Newcastlearticle2131889234-251
Hall, G. RomeNotes on a Pre-Conquest Memorial Stone from Birtley, and Fragments of Crosses from Falstone, North Tynedalearticle2131889252-277
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