The Society's seal and three photographs

Contents lists

Article(s) 526-550 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Clephan, JamesThe Bigg Market Military Execution, 1640: The Year of Newburnarticle2121887112-115
Hall, G. RomeAn Account of the Discovery of a British perforated Axe-hammer and a Roman Silver Coin, near Barrasford, with Notices of other Stone Implements from this localityarticle2121887116-123
Holmes, SheritonOn a Building at Cilurnum, supposed to be Roman Bathsarticle2121887124-129
Hodges, C. C.Remarks on two Mediaeval Grave Covers from St. Nicholas's Church, Newcastle, discovered in June, 1886article2121887130-134
Clephan, JamesOld Tyne Bridge and its Storyarticle2121887135-147
Smeaton, JohnReport on Old Tyne Bridgearticle2121887148-149
Bruce, J. C.The late Sir C. E. Trevelyan, Bart.obituary2121887150-154
Hedley, R. CecilNotes on a Pre-Historic Camp and Avenue of Stones on Thockrington Quarry House Farmarticle2121887155-158
Ferguson, R. S.Report of Excavations in Cumberland, per lineam valli, undertaken by, and at the cost of the Cumberland & Westmoreland [sic] Antiquarian & Archaeological Societyarticle2121887159-171
Adamson, Horatio A.A Terrier of Lands in the Manor of Tinemouth, in 1649; with Notesarticle2121887172-190
Bates, Cadwallader J.Three Papal Bulls confirmatory of the Possessions of the Riddells of Riddellarticle2121887191-203
Hulsebos, G. A.On a Roman Tombstone in the Carlisle Museumarticle2121887205-209
Clephan, JamesDeparture of the Quayside Wall; and what became of itarticle2121887210
Adamson, E. H.An attempt to trace the Delavals from the time of the Norman Conquest to the present dayarticle2121887215-228
Hicks, W. S.Notes on the Chapel of Our Lady, Seaton Delavalarticle2121887229
Welford, RichardThe Walls of Newcastle in 1638article2121887230-235
Boyle, J. R.The Plate and Insignia of the Corporation of Newcastle-upon-Tynearticle2121887236-240
Hall, G. RomeRecent Explorations in Ancient British Barrows, containing Cup-marked Stones, near Birtleyarticle2121887241-267
Hall, G. RomeOn some Cup-incised Stones, found in an Ancient British Burial-Mound at Pitland Hills, near Birtleyarticle2121887268-283
Bruce, J. C.On some recently discovered Inscriptions of the Roman Period - On Altars at Chester-le-Street, Caervoran, and Corbridgearticle2121887284-287
Bruce, J. C.On some recently discovered Inscriptions of the Roman Period - On Altars at West Harrington, and Birdoswaldarticle2121887287-289
Ferguson, R. S.On some recently discovered Inscriptions of the Roman Period - On a Roman Inscription discovered at Cliburnarticle2121887289
Watkin, W. ThompsonOn some recently discovered Inscriptions of the Roman Period - On a Roman Inscription discovered at Cliburnarticle2121887290-291
Watkin, W. ThompsonOn some recently discovered Inscriptions of the Roman Period - On an Altar from Chester-le-Streetarticle2121887292-294
Clark, E. C.On some recently discovered Inscriptions of the Roman Period - On a Greek Inscription from Risinghamarticle2121887294-296
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