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Article(s) 51-75 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Baker, Rev. ThomasAccount of a Discovery of some Remains of Trees, within Sea Mark, at Whitburn, in the County of Durhamarticle121832100
Trevelyan, W. C.Extracts (being Warrants and Orders issued by King Henry the Eighth of England, and William the First of Scotland) from a Pedigree of the Family of Lambert, attested by Camden; W. Segar, Garter; R. St. George, Norroy; R. Tresswell, Somerset; in the Possession of Sir Charles Miles Lambert Monck, Bart., of Belsayarticle121832101
Hamper, WilliamExplanation of the Inscription on a Bell at Heworth Chapel, in the County of Durhamarticle121832105
Hodgson, ChristopherAn Account of some Antiquities found in a Cairn, near Hesket-in-the-Forest, in Cumberlandarticle121832106
Trevelyan, W. C.An Account of some Roman Remains, discovered on the Coast of Durham, in the Year 1816article121832110
Hamper, WilliamAn Account of a Runic Inscription on an ancient Cross, discovered at Lancaster, in the Year 1807article121832111
Trevelyan, W. C.Copy of an Indenture respecting Apparel made in the Time of Richard the Second, between the Lady Joane de Calverley and Robert Derethornearticle121832113
Chapman, WilliamAn Account of some Antiquities presented to the Societyarticle121832115
Trevelyan, W. C.Copy of a Letter written by Queen Elizabeth to Frederick II. of Denmarkarticle121832120
Hodgson, Rev. J.Observations on an ancient Roman Road called Wrekendike, and particularly of that Branch of it which led from the Mouth of the Tyne, at South Shields, to Lanchester, in the County of Durhamarticle121832123
Hodgson, Rev. JohnAn Account of the Life and Writings of Richard Dawes, A. M., late Master of the Royal Grammar School, and of the Hospital of St. Mary, in the Westgate, in Newcastle upon Tynearticle121832137
Bell, JohnAn Account of some Roman Antiquities which were sold in Newcastle, in 1812article121832167
Trevelyan, W. C.An Account of a curious Sculpture at Bridlington Church, Yorkshirearticle121832168
Trevelyan, W. C.An Account of the Tomb of Philippa, Queen of Eric Pomeranus, King of Denmark, and Daughter of Henry IV. of Englandarticle121832169
Trevelyan, W. C.Some Account of the Rectory of Bromfield, in the County of Cumberlandarticle121832171
Coulson, Lt.-Col. J. Blenkinsopp, and Hutton, W.Accounts of some ancient Wooden Coffins discovered not far from Haltwhistle, in the County of Northumberlandarticle121832177
Coulson, Lt.-Col. J. Blenkinsopp, and Hutton, W.Accounts of some ancient Wooden Coffins discovered not far from Haltwhistle, in the County of Northumberlandarticle121832177
Bosworth, Rev. J.The Origin and Formation of the Gothic Tongues, but particularly the Anglo-Saxonarticle121832189
Hodgson, Rev. J.Account of an old Inscription at Lanercost, Cumberlandarticle121832197
Trevelyan, W. C.Several old Letters relating to the Nevills, one of them bearing the Signature of Richard III. as Duke of Gloucesterarticle121832199
Fox, G. T.An Account of a Runic Inscription discovered in Baffin's Bayarticle121832203
Hedley, Rev. A.An Account of some Roman Shoes lately discovered at Whitley Castle, Northumberlandarticle121832205
Trevelyan, W. C.Some Account of a Cairn opened near Netherwitton, in the County of Northumberlandarticle121832207
Hutton, Wm., and Hodgson, Chr.An Account of some Roman Coins discovered near Brampton, in Cumberlandarticle121832209
Hutton, Wm., and Hodgson, Chr.An Account of some Roman Coins discovered near Brampton, in Cumberlandarticle121832209
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