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Contents lists

Article(s) 426-450 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Hooppell, R. E.On the probable significations of the Names of the Roman Stations, per lineam valli, and on the probable positions of those hitherto unidentifiedarticle28188050-56
Blair, RobertRoman Leaden Sealsarticle28188057-59
Hall, G. RomeNotes on Modern Survivals of Ancient Well-Worship in North Tynedale, in connection with the Well of Coventina, at Carrawbrough (Procolitia), on the Roman Wallarticle28188060-87
Longstaffe, W. H. D.Coventinaarticle28188088-107
Clephan, JamesThe Manufacture of Glass in England. Rise of the Art on the Tynearticle281880108-126
Bruce, J. C.A Roman Burial at Yorkarticle281880127-131
Beal, SamuelSome Remarks on Mithraic Worship in the Western Worldarticle281880141-153
Longstaffe, W. H. D.The Western Stationsarticle281880154-166
Galloway, Robert L.An Account of some of the Earliest Records connected with the Working of Coal on the Banks of the River Tynearticle281880167-210
Bruce, J. C.An Account of the Excavation of the South Gateway of the Station of Cilurnumarticle281880211-221
Clephan, JamesAbigail and Timothy Tyzack, and Old Gatesheadarticle281880222-242
Ellison, R. CarrOn Two Inscribed Stones found at Jarrow in 1782article281880243-246
Hooppell, R. E.On a Votive Tablet, with Inscription, recently found at Binchesterarticle281880247-255
Clayton, JohnDiscovery of a Hoard of Roman Coins on the Wall of Hadrianarticle281880256-280
Longstaffe, W. H. D.Escombe Churcharticle281880281-286
Longstaffe, W. H. D.The Northern Stations of the Notitiaarticle281880287-292
Clephan, JamesWilliam Hutchinson, Merchant Adventurer, his Life and Timesarticle2918821
Clayton, JohnObservations on Centurial Stones found on the Roman Wall, Northumberland and Cumberlandarticle29188222
Clayton, JohnFurther Observations on Centurial Stonesarticle29188237
Clephan, JamesSergeant Hoskyns and the Wallas Epitapharticle29188241
Ellison, Ralph CarrSaxon Names of Certain Roman Roadsarticle29188249
Trevelyan, Bart., Sir C. E.Discovery of Ancient Bronze Implements near Wallingtonarticle29188252
Johnson, Robert JamesThe Black Gatearticle29188253
Gregory, John V.Place-Names of the County of Northumberland, with Reference to the Ancestry of the Peoplearticle29188257
Hodgkin, ThomasThe Pfahlgraben: An Essay towards a Description of the Barrier of the Roman Empire between the Danube and the Rhinearticle29188273
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