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Article(s) 2926-2950 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Bailey, Richard N.Petts and Turner (eds.) Early Medieval Northumbria: Kingdoms and Communities, AD 450–1100review5412012294–296
Welfare, HumphreySummerson, Edward I at Carlisle: King and Parliament in 1307review5412012296
Cambridge, EricBritnell, Etty and King (eds. and trans.) The Black Book of Hexham: A Northern Monastic Estate in 1379, with Additional Documents c. 1113–1536review5412012296–298
Osler, Adrian G.Fewster, The Keelmen of Tyneside: Labour Organisation and Conflict in the North-East Coal Industry, 1600–1830review5412012298–299
Allason-Jones, LindsayBarbara Harbottle (1931–2012)obituary5412012301-2
Breeze, David J.Brian Dobson (1931–2012)obituary5412012303-4
Fern, Roger W.Index5412012305-20
Keppie, LawrenceJohn Horsley and the Britannia Romana (1732): the road to publication: the Tenth Horsley Memorial Lecturearticle54220131-34
Gibson, AlexNeolithic ceramic sequence in the Milfield Basin: holy grails and missing points. Some comments on Millson et al. 2011article542201335-46
Gamble, Michelle, Fowler, ChrisA re-assessment of Early Bronze Age human remains in Tyne and Wear Museums: results and implications for interpreting Early Bronze Age burials from North-East England and beyondarticle542201347-80
Gamble, Michelle, Fowler, ChrisA re-assessment of Early Bronze Age human remains in Tyne and Wear Museums: results and implications for interpreting Early Bronze Age burials from North-East England and beyondarticle542201347-80
Welfare, HumphreyA Roman camp, quarries, and the Vallum at Shield-on-the-Wall (Newbrough)article542201381-99
Breeze, David J., Hill, P. R.The foundations of Hadrian’s Stone Wallarticle5422013101-14
Breeze, David J., Hill, P. R.The foundations of Hadrian’s Stone Wallarticle5422013101-14
McGuire, MichaelBarcombe Hill quarries and the Thorngrafton Findarticle5422013115-27
Collins, RobA new Romano-British sculpture from Benwellarticle5422013129-31
Miket, Roger F.Understanding British/Anglo-Saxon continuity at Gefrin: Brian Hope-Taylor’s excavations on Yeavering Bellarticle5422013133-60
Bogner, Gilbert‘To brave hardship willingly:’ Sir Ralph Gray and the siege of Roxburgharticle5422013161-79
Platell, A. C.Excavations at 46-54 The Close, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5422013181-206
Swann, N.Excavations within the grounds of Newcastle University, Percy Street, Newcastle upon Tynearticle5422013207-34
Collins, Rob, Biggins, J. AlanMetal-detecting and geophysical survey at Great Whittington, Northumberlandarticle5422013235-67
Collins, Rob, Biggins, J. AlanMetal-detecting and geophysical survey at Great Whittington, Northumberlandarticle5422013235-67
Proctor, JenniferWaggonways and brickworks: insights into the industrial heritage of Walkerarticle5422013269-304
Heslop, David H.Sherlock, Late Prehistoric Settlement in the Tees Valley and North-Eastreview5422013305
Heslop, David H.Proctor, Faverdale, Darlington. Excavations at a major settlement in the northern frontier zone of Roman Britainreview5422013305-6
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