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Article(s) 2776-2800 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Waddington, CliveA Neolithic—Early Bronze Age settlement at 3 Whitton Park, Milfield, Northumberlandarticle535200611-25
Wilmott, TonyWarfare in Britain and the Building of Hadrian's Wall: a Problemarticle535200627-31
Wilmott, TonyThe Profile of the Ditch of Hadrian's Wallarticle535200633-38
Todd, MalcolmExcavations in the Praetorium of the Roman Fort and Vicus at Chester-le-Street, 1960—63article535200639-47
Young, GraemeExcavations carried out at Newgate Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, 1997—2000article535200649-82
Biggins, J. A., and Strutt, K. D.Abbey House, Palace Green, Durham: an Archaeological Survey and Documentary History of a Medieval Town Housearticle535200683-103
Biggins, J. A., and Strutt, K. D.Abbey House, Palace Green, Durham: an Archaeological Survey and Documentary History of a Medieval Town Housearticle535200683-103
Hepple, Leslie W.John Horsley and the Presbyterian Chapel in Morpetharticle5352006105-108
Wilmott, TonyA Milecastle Explodednote5352006109-110
Bailey, Richard N.Frodsham and O'Brien (eds.), Yeavering: People, Power and Placereview5352006113-114
Hawkes, JaneÓ Carragáin, Ritual and the Rood: Liturgical Images and the Old English Poems of the Dream of the Rood Traditionreview5352006114-115
Cambridge, EricLiddy and Britnell (eds.), North-East England in the Later Middle Ages: Regions and Regionalism in Historyreview5352006115-116
Fraser, Constance M.King (ed. and trans.), Sir Thomas Gray, Scalacronica 1272—1363review5352006116-117
Bailey, Richard N.Book Notices, 2006book notices5352006119
Bailey, Richard N.Richard Harbottle, 1934—2005obituary5352006121-122
Sherlock, DavidOswin Edmund Craster, 1916—2006obituary5352006122-123
Fern, R.W.Index5352006125
Breeze, David J.The Making of the Handbook to the Roman Wallarticle53620071-10
Gates, Tim, and Hewitt, RichardSome Newly Identified Roman Temporary Camps in Northumberland and their Relation to the Devil's Causewayarticle536200711-30
Gates, Tim, and Hewitt, RichardSome Newly Identified Roman Temporary Camps in Northumberland and their Relation to the Devil's Causewayarticle536200711-30
Hale, DuncanArchaeology on the Otterburn Training Area, 2002—2005article536200731-77
Vince, Alan, and Mould, QuitaNew thoughts on the chronology of Saddler Street, Durham: pottery, leatherwork and some implicationsarticle536200779-92
Vince, Alan, and Mould, QuitaNew thoughts on the chronology of Saddler Street, Durham: pottery, leatherwork and some implicationsarticle536200779-92
Holford, M. L.Office-Holders and Political Society in the Liberty of Durham, 1241—1345 (Part 1)article536200793-110
Nolan, JohnGateshead: An Archaeological and Historical Overviewarticle5362007111-123
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