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Article(s) 2001-2025 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Maxfield, Valerie A., and Reed, AlanExcavations at Ebchester Roman Fort 1972-3article53197543-104
Simpson, GraceThe moving milecastle: or how Turret 0B came to be called Milecastle 1article531975105-115
Harbottle, BarbaraAn excavation in the nave of Wodhorn Church, Northumberland, 1974article531975117-120
Howlett, D. R.The provenance, date and structure of De Abbatibusarticle531975121-130
Macdonald, StuartThe role of George Culley of Fenton in the development of Northumberland agriculturearticle531975131-141
Ellison, MargaretThe Tyne glasshouses and Beilby and Bewick workshopsarticle531975143-193
Slade, Jack and Slade, MargaretRailway structures near Falstone on the former Border Counties Railwayarticle531975195-203
Slade, Jack and Slade, MargaretRailway structures near Falstone on the former Border Counties Railwayarticle531975195-203
Morris, C. D.Objects from Viking period graves at Norby, Norwaymuseum note531975205-211
Newman, T. G.A sherd of Iron Age pottery from southern Englandmuseum note531975211-212
Wright, R. P., and Hill, StephenA sculptured and inscribed tombstone from Halton Chesters, Northumberlandmuseum note531975212-214
Wright, R. P., and Hill, StephenA sculptured and inscribed tombstone from Halton Chesters, Northumberlandmuseum note531975212-214
Jobey, GeorgeA souterrain at Milfieldhill, Northumberlandnote531975215-217
Jobey, GeorgeA Beaker burial from North Hazelrigg, Northumberlandnote531975217-219
Weyman, JoanMesolithic occupation at Gallowhill Farm, Corbridgenote531975219-221
Shiel, N.Casual finds from South Shieldsnote531975221-222
Hill, Stephen, and Welfare, HumphreyThe pottery from Turret 19B, West Clarewoodnote531975222-226
Hill, Stephen, and Welfare, HumphreyThe pottery from Turret 19B, West Clarewoodnote531975222-226
Philipson, J.Frank Atkinson, Industrial Archaeology in North East England, Vol Ireview531975227
Burgess, C. B., and Miket, RogerThree socketed axes from North-East England, with notes on faceted and ribbed socketed axesarticle5419761-9
Burgess, C. B., and Miket, RogerThree socketed axes from North-East England, with notes on faceted and ribbed socketed axesarticle5419761-9
Beckensall, S.The excavation of a rock shelter at Corby's Crags, Edlinghamarticle54197611-16
Charlesworth, D.The hospital, Housesteadsarticle54197617-30
Lovecy, I.The end of Celtic Britain: a sixth-century battle near Lindisfarnearticle54197631-45
Bailey, R. N.The Anglo-Saxon church at Hexhamarticle54197647-67
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