The Society's seal and three photographs

Contents lists

Article(s) 201-225 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]The Heirs-General to Radclyffe of Derwentwater, and the Heirs-Male to Dacre of Greystock. From documents lent by John Fenwick, Esq., F.S.A.article221858137-158
Fenwick, JohnExtracts from the Accounts of the Steward of Sir Francis Radclyffe, Bart., at Dilston, from June, 1686, to June 1687article221858159-164
Trueman, Wm.The First Mantua-Makers in Durhamarticle221858165-170
Trueman, Wm.The Bladesmiths and Cutlers of Durhamarticle221858171-172
Raine, Jr., JamesThe Pudsays of Barfordarticle221858173-190
Raine, Jr., JamesTestamentary Curiosities: Nuncupative Willsarticle221858191-202
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]Is the Cathedral within the City of Durhamarticle221858203-215
Trueman, Wm.Baking in Durhamarticle221858216-218
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]The Attempt to annex Gateshead to Newcastle in 1575. From the State Papersarticle221858219-225
Ravensworth, LordInscriptions in Chillingham Castlearticle2318591-8
Fenwick, J. ClerevaulxA few Remarks upon Bagpipes and Pipe Musicarticle2318599-19
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]Chantry and Forfeited Lands in Yorkshire and Durhamarticle23185920-25
Trueman, Wm.The Order of the Mayor and Aldermen of Newcastle to the Company of Masonsarticle23185926
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]Sheratonarticle23185927-28
Hinde, John HodgsonLetters from Philip de Ulecotearticle23185929-30
Trevelyan, W. C.Will of Lady Julia Blackettarticle23185931-32
Featherstonhaugh, W.Saxon Sculpture at St. Andrew's, Bywellarticle23185933-35
Dunn, J. W.Ancient Sepulchral Remains at Amblearticle23185936-38
Hinde, John HodgsonOn the Original Site and Progressive Extension of Newcastle-upon Tyne, with an Estimate of its Population at various Periodsarticle23185953-64
Charlton, EdwardOn an Inscription in Runic Letters in Carlisle Cathedralarticle23185965-68
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]Stainton in the Streetarticle23185973-103
Hinde, John HodgsonOn the Early Municipal History of Newcastlearticle231859105-114
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]The Church of Guyzancearticle231859129-145
Eyre, CharlesLetters of Fraternity Granted by the Friars Minor to John Wormlay and Wifearticle231859146
Charlton, EdwardNotes on North Tynedale in 1279article231859147-157
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