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Contents lists

Article(s) 1926-1950 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Breeze, D.J.Excavations at the Roman fort of Carrawburgh, 1967-1969article450197281-144
Miket, Roger and Maxfield, V. A.The excavation of Turret 33B (Coesike)article4501972145-178
Miket, Roger and Maxfield, V. A.The excavation of Turret 33B (Coesike)article4501972145-178
Birley, A.R.Virius Lupusarticle4501972179-189
Webster, P.V.Severn Valley ware on Hadrian's Wallarticle4501972191-203
Brewster, N.H.Corbridge: its significance for the study of Rhenish Warearticle4501972205-216
Simpson, G.Samian pottery and a Roman road at Corbridgearticle4501972217-233
Lang, J.T.Illustrative carving of the Viking period at Sockburn-on-Teesarticle4501972235-248
Dixon, P.W.Shielings and bastles: a reconsideration of some problemsarticle4501972249-258
Hurst, J.G.A Wanfried dish from Newcastlearticle4501972259-262
Kirby, D.The Wear navigation and the City of Durham in the eighteenth centuryarticle4501972263-275
Bailey, R.N.A carpenter's axe from the College Valleymuseum note4501972277-280
Harrison, L., Owens, M., Burgess, C.B.New stone axeheads from the Kielder areamuseum note4501972280-282
Harrison, L., Owens, M., Burgess, C.B.New stone axeheads from the Kielder areamuseum note4501972280-282
Harrison, L., Owens, M., Burgess, C.B.New stone axeheads from the Kielder areamuseum note4501972280-282
Henig, M.The Aesica amulet and its significancemuseum note4501972282-287
Jobey, G.Early pottery from Dunstanburgh Castlemuseum note4501972287-290
Weyman, J. and Tonge, C.H.Romano British burials at Beadnell, Northumberlandnote4501972291
Weyman, J. and Tonge, C.H.Romano British burials at Beadnell, Northumberlandnote4501972291
Jobey, G.Some local finds of Neolithic and early Bronze Age stone implements in private possessionnote4501972291-294
Shiel, N.An unpublished intaglio from Corstopitumnote4501972294-295
Wright, R.P.Butler, R.M., Soldier and Civilian in Roman Yorkshirereview4501972297-298
Mann, J.C.Thomas, C., The Early Christian Archaeology of North Britainreview4501972298-300
Cramp, R.Okasha, E., Hand-list of Anglo Saxon non-Runic Inscriptionsreview4501972300-301
Ross, AnneSome new thoughts on old headsarticle5119731-9
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