The Society's seal and three photographs

Contents lists

Article(s) 176-200 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Longstaffe, W. H. D. (ed.)Some Account of the House in the Close, Newcastle, on the east side of the Tuthill Stairs. From muniments submitted by James Raine, Jr.article211857140-148
Haigh, D. H.The Saxon Cross at Bewcastlearticle211857149-195
Lawson, Bart., Sir WilliamThe Inventory of the Goods of Hugh Fitz-Elyas de Richemund and Juliana his wife, taken at her death, 1316article211857196
Raine, Jr., JamesSir Edward Radclyffe, of Dilston. Chiefly from Wills and from Papers submitted by John Fenwick, Esq., F.S.A.article211857197-220
Bruce, J. C.Catalogue of the Inscribed and Sculptured Roman Stones in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tynecatalogue211857221-270
White, RobertThe Battle of Neville's Crossarticle211857271-291
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]The Churches of Durham and Hexham, from the Lawson MS. Lent by Sir William Lawson, Bart., F.S.A.article2218581-9
Archbold, J.Roman Remains found at Adderstonearticle22185814-16
Ventress, JohnBells of St. Nicholas' Church, Newcastlearticle22185817-23
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]Local muniments. From the Vestry of St. Margaret's, Durham, and other Sourcesarticle22185824-38
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]Cardinal Wolsey's Instructions to his Officers at Durhamarticle22185839-40
Charlton, EdwardRoll of Prayers formerly belonging to Henry VIII. when Princearticle22185841-45
Charlton, EdwardLeaden Box and Crosses from Richmondarticle22185846-48
Charlton, EdwardUmbo of a Roman Shield found near Matfenarticle22185849-50
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]The Banner and Cross of Saint Cuthbertarticle22185851-65
Eyre, CharlesSt. Cuthbert's Ringarticle22185866-68
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]The Tenures of Middleton St. George, and some Account of the House of Killinghallarticle22185869-104
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]Bishop Bek's Charter of Lands at Nettleswortharticle221858107-108
Trueman, Wm.Lumley Lettersarticle221858109-110
Trueman, Wm.Report on the Pitmen's Strike at Newbottle in 1734article221858111-117
Ventress, JohnScheme for a Navigable River to Durhamarticle221858118-119
Trueman, Wm., and Green, Jr., WilliamWashington Lettersarticle221858120-126
Trueman, Wm., and Green, Jr., WilliamWashington Lettersarticle221858120-126
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]The Hinde Papers. From Materials furnished by John Hodgson Hinde, Esq.article221858127-135
[Longstaffe, W. H. D.]Early Mention of Coffee in Durhamarticle221858136
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