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Article(s) 1201-1225 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Richmond, Ian A.Kitson-Clark, Mary, A Gazetteer of Roman Remains in East Yorkshirereview4131936323-327
Mitcalfe, W. StanleyThe history of the keelmen and their strike in 1822article41419371-16
Spain, G.R.B.The original survey for the Newcastle-Carlisle military roadarticle414193717-21
Cave, C.J.P.The roof sculptures of Durham Cathedralarticle414193767-73
Hunter Blair, C.H.Mitford Castlearticle414193774-94
Hedley, W. PercyThe last days of Corstopitum and the Roman Wall — the coin evidencearticle414193795-102
Richmond, I.A., and McIntyre, JamesNew altar to Cocidius and Rob of Risinghamarticle4141937103-109
Richmond, I.A., and McIntyre, JamesNew altar to Cocidius and Rob of Risinghamarticle4141937103-109
Wake, ThomasIsaac Thompson's plan of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1746article4141937110-122
Hunter Blair, C.H., Richardson, George Bouchier (illus.)The walls of Newcastle upon Tynearticle4141937123-128
Hunter Blair, C.H., Richardson, George Bouchier (illus.)The walls of Newcastle upon Tynearticle4141937123-128
Richmond, I.A., and Keeney, G.S.The Roman works at Chew Green, Coquetdaleheadarticle4141937129-150
Richmond, I.A., and Keeney, G.S.The Roman works at Chew Green, Coquetdaleheadarticle4141937129-150
Richmond, I.A., and Simpson, F.G.The fort on Hadrian's Wall at Haltonarticle4141937151-171
Richmond, I.A., and Simpson, F.G.The fort on Hadrian's Wall at Haltonarticle4141937151-171
Birley, EricFifth report on excavations at Housesteadsarticle4141937172-184
Wright, R.P.The Stanegate at Chesterholmarticle4141937185-193
Wright, R.P.The Roman road from Bowes to Binchesterarticle4141937194-204
Craster, H.H.E. and Hadcock, R.N.Tynemouth Prioryarticle4141937205-226
Craster, H.H.E. and Hadcock, R.N.Tynemouth Prioryarticle4141937205-226
Richmond, I.A., and Birley, EricCenturial stones from the Vallum west of Denton Burnarticle4141937227-242
Richmond, I.A., and Birley, EricCenturial stones from the Vallum west of Denton Burnarticle4141937227-242
Oliver, Arthur M.The family of Muschamp, barons of Woolerarticle4141937243-257
Richmond, Ian A.Collingwood, R.G., and Myres, J.N.L., Roman Britain and the English Settlementsreview4141937258
Thompson, A. HamiltonH.M. Office of Works, Official guides to Norham, Dunstanburgh and Warkworth Castlesreview4141937268
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