The Society's seal and three photographs

Contents lists

Article(s) 1-25 of 3170 returned for volume number = 0

Hodgson, Rev. JohnOn the study of antiquities. Read before the Society at its second monthly meeting. By the Rev. John Hodgson, Secretary. [1822 version?]article111822i
Hodgson, Rev. JohnSome Account of a Set of Gold Beads, presented to the Antiquarian Society of Newcastle upon Tyne, by His Grace the Duke of Northumberlandarticle1118221
Dickson, G. A.An Account of a Roman Altararticle111822Appendix 3
Dickson, G. A.An Account of two Roman Altarsarticle111822Appendix 4
Culley, MatthewAn Account of an ancient Swordarticle111822Appendix 5
Dickson, G. A.Inscriptions found at Old Carlisle, in Cumberlandarticle111822Appendix 5
Dickson, G. A.Account of a bronze Stamp, or Seal, in the form of a Crossarticle111822Appendix 6
Hodgson, Rev. JohnSome Notice respecting an Inscription on the Bell of Heworth Chapelarticle111822Appendix 6-7
Northumberland, Duke ofExtract of a Letter to Thos. Davidson, Esq. of Newcastle upon Tynearticle1118229
Hodgson, Rev. JohnAn Enquiry into the Aera when Brass was used in purposes to which Iron is now appliedarticle11182217
Cook, Rev. JosephAn Extract from Memoranda respecting the Discovery of an ancient Stone Coffin, in the Church-yard of Chatton, Northumberlandarticle11182299
Woodhouse, EdwardAn Account of the opening of an ancient Grave near Denton, in the County of Northumberland; and some Notices respecting an Arrow Head of Flintarticle111822101
Wood, Rev. JamesSome Account of a Saxon Inscription, on a Stone found near Falstone, in the County of Northumberlandarticle111822103
Gomme, JamesAn Account of the Seal of the last Treasurer of the Augustine Monastery at Canterburyarticle111822105
Faber, George StanleyRemarks on the Inscription to the Zodiacal Ceres, lately discovered at Caervorran, on the Roman Wallarticle111822107
Hodgson, Rev. JohnAn Enquiry into the Antiquity of an ancient Entrenchment, called Wardley, in the Parish of Jarrow, and County of Durhamarticle111822112
Hodgson, Rev. JohnObservations on an ancient Aqueduct, and certain Heaps of Iron Scoria, in the Parish of Lanchester, in the County of Durhamarticle111822118
Turner, Rev. WilliamA Description of a Silver Ring found on Towton Moor, in the County of York, in 1770article111822122
Hodgson, Rev. JohnAn Account of a Saxon Coin of Ecgfrith, King of Northumberlandarticle111822124
Hodgson, Rev. JohnAn Account of an Inscription on Fallowfield Fell, in the County of Northumberlandarticle111822126
Hodgson, Rev. JohnAccount of an Inscription discovered at Walwick Chesters, in the County of Northumberlandarticle111822128
Stanton, JohnAn Account of two Bronze Figures discovered at the Roman Station near the Village of Benwell, in the County of Northumberlandarticle111822131
Dickson, G. A.An Account of an ancient Camp, in the County of Cumberlandarticle111822132
Adamson, J.An Account of a Brass Coin of the Emperor Hadrianarticle111822133
Brockett, J. T.An Account of the Seal of the Nunnery of St. Bartholomew, at Newcastle upon Tynearticle111822135
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